Giorno is the main protagonist of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Part V: Vento Aureo. Giorno is the illegitimate son of Dio Brando, conceived with Jonathan Joestar's stolen body. He is first introduced as Haruno
a half-Japanese teenager living in Italy. He speaks of his intention to join the powerful gang Passione and his dream of becoming a "Gang-Star" (combining "Gangster" and "Superstar") to restore virtue to the corrupt mafia. Giorno is a natural-born Stand User wielding the life-giving Gold Experience in battle. His
stand has the ability to create and manipulate life, which Giorno most often uses to produce plants and small animals. Both can be used for a variety of purposes ranging from disguise to tracking origins. As a short-ranged Power-type, it is also capable of unleashing a rapid barrage of punches, which Giorno uses almost exclusively with lethal

Page Updated:
Sep. 8th, 2023
This character has
not yet received a review / rating. Stay tuned!
Style / Moveset |
/ Charisma |
/ Appearance |
in series |
Score |
Not Yet Rated
