Joining the
series from her homeland in Brazil, Laura Matsuda is a Jiu-Jitsu
specialist, a first for the Street Fighter series. Continuing the
tradition of the famed Matsuda fighting style, Laura is constantly looking
for strong opponents around the world to defeat, in an effort to spread
the Matsuda Jiu-Jitsu's name and prestige. Sean
is Laura's younger brother. Her extended family includes her brother, Fabio,
her grandfather Kinjiro, her father Yuichiro, and her mother Brenda.

Updated: July 5th, 2022
I've been playing
fighting games for 25+ years, and yet I still very much enjoy characters based
on traditional & authentic martial arts. The art of Jiu-Jitsu is
underutilized in the fighting game universe, so I had high hopes for Laura. This might seem like it's coming from left field, but as a design, Laura
reminds me of Paul Phoenix. Traditional
& colorful karate attire, bizarrely cool hair, and pretty straight-forward in terms
of artistic design.
Laura's grapple moves look pretty sweet and make sense in her 2D playstyle,
but her normal priority attacks are a bit odd... as are her special moves. To
me, she doesn't feel "natural" as a 2D character. In fact,
something about her moveset seems "incomplete" to see. I was expecting a bit
more from her Critical Art... the absurd Blanka
homage was unnecessary and falls flat IMO. In short, she needs more moves. She makes up for it a bit in pure sexiness. Her comical "sexual
undertones" within her grappling style are mildly entertaining.
"Poor" Sean... poor, poor Sean. lol. I do like Laura's look...
but I'd actually much rather see her as a TEKKEN character with 100+ moves,
rather than her 25+ whatever moves in SFV.
Style / Moveset |
/ Charisma |
/ Appearance |
in series |
Score |