Sean Matsuda
was born in Brazil, but his paternal grandfather was Japanese, making Sean ½
Japanese, ½ Brazilian. Sean is a keen
basketball player, and his main pastime is martial arts. At the U. S. Martial
Arts Tournament, Sean saw veteran World Warrior Ken
Masters in action and decided to seek him out for training.
Sean approached Ken on numerous occasions and asked to be trained by him, but
Ken declined. Sean then entered the third World Warrior tournament is to prove
that he is a worthy student, but was again unsuccessful and was defeated by
Ken himself. Ken found Sean to be a nuisance, and instructed him to search
for Ryu
and not return until he has found and defeated him. Sean eventually found Ryu
and challenged him, but was easily defeated and was badly injured. After
recovering from his injuries, he spends an entire year training by himself.
Later, Sean entered the U.S Martial Arts tournament to prove to Ken that he
has become stronger. However, Sean lost during the qualifying rounds in front
of Ken. Ken told him he lacks the discipline and experience necessary to
become a true street fighter. Ken finally showed him a few moves, alongside
his son, Mel. Sean's
family includes
his older sister,
his older brother, Fabio, his grandfather Kinjiro, his father Yuichiro,
and his mother Brenda.

