The leader of the Uesugi clan, Uesugi Kenshin is a devout monk to Bishamonten and a rival to Shingen Takeda. Kenshin's accomplishments in battle have earned him the nickname "God of War". He is an extremely fast and powerful warrior, and a cunning tactician. Kenshin's historical rivalry with
Shingen Takeda was preserved in the Sengoku Basara series: Kenshin considers him as his fated rival, and the man that gives him the highest thrill in battle.
Although it's assumed in the storyline that Kenshin is a "he"... Kenshin's exact gender is not truly stated. It is speculated that Kenshin is a man, however the creator of the series stated that Kenshin's exact gender is simply "unknown". This follows historical rumors that Keshin was a woman disguising herself as a man.

FUN FACTS: "Kenshin" means spirit sword in Japanese. Kenshin uses a katana and fights using the style of Iaido, comparable to the likes of
Ukyo Tachibana from Samurai Shodown or
Vergil from Devil May Cry 3.

Updated: Oct. 4th, 2020
This character has not yet received a TFG Review / Rating. Stay tuned!
Style / Moveset |
/ Charisma |
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in series |
Score |
Not Yet Rated
