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Preecha is a scientist investigating the wonders and miracles of a fascinating principle known as ki (spirit energy). While her martial arts talent can't be denied, that's not to say she's only in it to win it either; indeed, Preecha fights for academic purposes, not accolades. She hates the pain, but sure is willing to endure it—as long as it furthers her research into unique and perplexing fight styles. She is the star pupil of Joe Higashi.

Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves





Page Updated:  Feb. 25th, 2025

I've been waiting to see Joe Higashi's student since Garou: MOTW2 was rumored and then canceled. Been waiting forever to see a new Garou character! Preecha is a colorful and charismatic newcomer to Fatal Fury. The fact that she's based around a legit martial art and has references to Joe Higashi in her moveset makes her easily likeable to an old school SNK fan such as myself.

She's a bit quirky and has some "imperfect" movements, but it gives her charm. She's got nice kicks! She pivots nicely as a proper Muay Thai fighter should and she has cool normal attacks and combos. Her tornado projectiles have interesting properties too. My favorite part of her visual design might be the her name printed clearly on her shorts, which looks insanely crisp in 4K while playing the game. Her hairstyle is cool, too! So far, she's my favorite newcomer introduced in COTW.

Fighting  Style  /  Moveset  
Personality  /  Charisma  
Outfit(s)  /  Appearance  
Effectiveness  in  series  
Overall Score

Not Yet Rated








Preecha Animations