Kombat X

REVIEW: Mortal Kombat X was originally announced for PS4, PS3, Xbox One, and Xbox 360. However, the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions were later cancelled. It's
been almost exactly 4 years to the day since the last Mortal Kombat (MK9)
was released. NetherRealm's
follow-up to the 2011 reboot of Mortal Kombat brings the franchise onto
the new generation of consoles, enabling the most violent and cinematic presentation to date.
MK9 definitely turned some heads in 2011 (by decapitating them —
pun intended), but even
after cringing at MK9's gruesome Fatalities,
I couldn't help but wonder, "What will 'next-gen' MK be like?"...
Well, here we are.
MK9 really was the perfect reboot of the "glory days" of
the series,
bringing back all the most iconic characters and backgrounds, and made a huge statement
with its elaborate story mode. MKX presents a much different spin, featuring a storyline
set 20+ years in the future with the sons and daughters of classic kombatants thrown into the mix. Cassie
Cage, Jaqui Briggs, Kung Jin & Takeda Takahashi are among the "new
generation" of MK; and along with some bizarre new
personalities from Outworld, most of Earthrealm's hardened veterans also make
their return. (On that note, I must say it's a bit surprising that after
23 years of Mortal Kombat... nobody ever really "died"... and
no, Quan Chi bringing several of them back to life doesn't count as 'being dead'. Seriously, how did
everyone even manage to survive this long?)
With all the Fatalities, Animalities & Brutalities over the years, you'd
think there would be more... Casualties. But naturally, it's smart for NetherRealm to have some sort
of roster consistency and bring back the fan-favorites; and honestly, the
klassic kombatants never looked better.
In case you didn't notice from the
insane amount of mainstream media coverage MKX received,
Mortal Kombat is back in a big way. I must hand it to Ed Boon and company,
they certainly know how to "sell you" and hype up a game. To be
honest, I have to admit it's usually difficult for me to like
something that's so commercialized and "hyped up" as much as MKX was...
but for once, MKX is actually a mainstream game that lives up to the hype
(for better or worse). Once you pop in the disc, it won't take long to notice the insane amount of
polish that went into MKX as a console fighting game. If you can stomach the graphic murders and possibly
"uncomfortable" moments MKX will indiscriminately provide to
your family and friends who might be watching, there is a fighting game
behind the curtains of censor-bending blood and gore that might be worth your time.
Kombat X character select screen.
Before we get into MKX's
glossy presentation and blockbuster 12-chapter Story Mode (see side panel), let's talk about the game itself...
because, before anything, MKX is still a fighting game.
With MK9
bringing the series back into the competitive limelight after years of absence,
MKX is poised to keep the series relevant to not only the token mainstream
audience, but competitive fighting game players as well. Wisely, the dev-team hasn't strayed far from the
previous formula,
keeping most MK9 gameplay systems intact. One of the new additions is the
Stamina Meter used exclusively to limit running and dashing backwards (I'm guessing
NetherRealm isn't a fan of Mayweather fights).
It doesn't restrict your movement as much as you may think, since
the meter fills up fairly quickly (and
there are other movement options, like background interactions).
Borrowing the concept introduced in Injustice, background
interactions allow characters to propel off of various stage elements (and
attack, too). New specific interactions include "hanging from a vine" or kindly drowning your
opponent in a fountain.
Fighters can also grab various weapons laid out on the stage for a 1-shot,
"do or die" attack (some looking painfully badass when connected). MKX's
stage interactions feel a bit smoother
than Injustice's, but at the same time, I personally don't like how convenient it is for opponents to escape
being cornered.
This brings us to the headlining new feature of MKX's gameplay: 3 Variations of each fighter. First implemented in
2002's MK: Deadly Alliance, the concept of "3 styles per
character" is executed much more gracefully in MKX.
Instead of poorly-performed "martial arts" styles from those laughable
yet memorable 3D-era MK games, the new Variations
highlight what MK characters do best... brawl, claw, incinerate,
Both from an artistic and gameplay standpoint, Variations are compelling. Each
Variation gives characters access to a few different special moves
and combos (while losing others); but thankfully most of each fighters' iconic specials
are available across
all Variations. Obviously, Variations add complexity and strategy... but also tack on "quadruple" the amount of required
study and memorization time if you plan on gettin' good. Learning how to
incorporate a couple Variations
for your favorite characters
is one thing, but learning how to fight against the entire cast, and all of their
Variations, is another. That said, MKX's solid practice mode options and
in-game frame data will definitely appeal to studious players. However, any form
of specific character combo trials are sadly missing in action and would've sped up the learning
curve quite a bit. 
MKX's combo system is also very similar to the prequel's. Combining combo strings into
air bounds into special moves and finishing with an X-ray still feels solid and
fun to perform. Along with the awesomely disturbing new eye-gouging,
bone-breaking X-ray moves, returning characters show off "flashier"
and better-animated combos this time around. On the flipside (and in true
MK fashion), certain characters still have some rather ugly, sloppy-looking
combos (lookin' at you Erron Black... what a jerk of a
character). EX moves have also
returned and just like in MK9, EX moves will not only power up a character's basic specials (at the cost of burning
meter), but usually always result in entirely new animations and
often end up being almost entirely different moves.
It's not just cool in a gameplay sense, but "artistically" as well... and
it's definitely one area where MKX really shines over the likes of Ultra
SF4 (which is ironic, since Street Fighter was the first
mainstream fighting game to implement EX moves).
To sum it up, MKX feels like a sharply refined version of MK9 mixed with a
small dose of Injustice. On that note, one could say that MKX really
"hasn't changed
much" since MK9. While there are plenty of new visuals to take in, MKX
definitely feels like a game I've played
before. While that's good if you like MK9-style gameplay... I
still find the 2-button,
super-easy-to-connect comeback moves (X-rays) a bit too foolproof. Taking off 50% of an opponent's life bar with a simple bouncy combo and
then an easy-to-connect X-ray move doesn't really do it for me... but
more casual fighting game players may
find MKX's accessibility to their liking. X-rays truly are the ultimate comeback mechanic.
They are literally "hard to
miss" since they connect with practically any legit combo and there's zero
risk of messing up the command... because... 2 buttons.
On the
bright side, most juggles end up looking cool and X-rays definitely still bring the "wow factor"...
granted that some of the "wow" eventually becomes dull in the sense that
X-rays are so stupidly easy to perform.
...Duhhh, what's an
input boiiss?
newcomers are an interesting bunch.
Gameplay simplicity aside, MKX's
visuals are anything but. As
expected, MKX's shock value
and extreme violence is back in full force. Of course, Fatalities are still a series
trademark, and Ed Boon & the folks at ex-Midway *cough cough* NetherRealm clearly still take
much pleasure in finding new ways
to "mutilate" and dismember the human figure. (At the least, you gotta give the
graphics team credit for
being anatomically correct with the "insides" of the character models.)
Blood and gore isn't what got me into fighting games, but I'll admit most
new Fatalities in MKX
are fairly clever and worth a laugh (or shriek); but
as usual, they do get
old after a few watches. And thanks to the super easy inputs and generous
allotted amount of time to perform a Fatality, you will indeed be seeing them over and over, and
over... (and some are just unsettling to watch that many times). I'm sure some
of you can relate; back when I was "serious
into MK" as a young teenager in the 90's,
there was always a facetious, humorous tone that accompanied MK's violence and gore.
You could punch 3 heads off of someone, or explode them and see 6 of their rib
cages on the ground afterwards. MKX Fatalities take on a completely
different persona. It's hard to put a word on what that persona is,
since everyone will react differently to the gore... but generally speaking, it's a bit
overkill. And at times, it's too violent for its own good.
On a more positive note, the Fatalities performed by the "new generation" MKX characters do
manage to capture their personalities and actually compliment their designs. And on an even more positive note, the
new character designs of MKX definitely pack more than cool Fatalities. A game
can live or die by its character designs... and for once, I have nothing
negative to say regarding (most) new MK characters. Takeda, D'Vorah, Kotal Kahn,
Ferra/Torr, Cassie Cage, Kung Jin & Jacqui Briggs each have a lot to offer.
(Alright, so Erron Black isn't a total failure of a design, I just don't like
Overall, the
newcomers exceeded my expectations for next-gen
MK characters, managing to stand out among (and possibly even outshine)
ome of the iconic veterans.
Whether it's Takeda's stylishly hard-hitting combos, Cassie's smart-ass
personality, or
Ferra/Torr's innovative assist-based play-style, there's a lot to see that
"hasn't been done" in the MK universe.
Another noteworthy mention regarding the evolution of MK's movesets is
that "more thought" has been put into basic
attacks. In general, any direction + attack button is a different move, and all fighters
now have very unique pokes. The new characters also show off innovative new ways to throw that classic,
cringe-worthy MK uppercut. D'Vorah is a prime example, as her uppercut
and pokes, done exclusively with her creepy insect legs, are 100% original and downright badass. On the flipside, I do see some
missed opportunities in certain movesets. At times, I wish movesets were
deeper and more dynamic in some areas. (For example:
D'vorah has a really cool-looking move called "Lady Bug" where she
stands on her bug legs, which looks like
could be a cool "stance". However, it's only a delay specifically for
that "1" attack.
Just imagine if she was a Soul Calibur or Tekken character; she
could have 10+ awesome moves from that stance, even walk from that stance, etc). In
all fairness, I'm nitpicking here... and of course, 2D fighting
games will keep mix-up possibilities to a minimum by nature.
Klassic... Still Klassless... Still Mortal Kombat.
Mortal Kombat X
will go down in history for having one of the strongest in-game presentations of
any fighting game to date. The character selection screen alone oozes with
"in your face" personality hosting badass character animations and
sleek lighting effects. The new pre-fight
dialogue between characters is also one of the star
attractions. Before versus battles, characters exchange their one-liners with one
another, and nearly all are unique per match-up (with most match-ups having several).
Some of the dialogue is witty and well-written, but others rely far too heavily
on obvious puns.
For example,
to quote a conversation between Shinnok and Scorpion. Shinnok: "Ohh, the
firefly..." Scorpion: "Taste my flames." Shinnok: "You'll be
extinguished." Ooooh hooo
hoooooooo... wow guys. Careful now, you might get a PG-rating. Is the timeline still
1994? I swear I heard those lines in a 90's movie. In
fairness, most of them are better than that.
The main
menu is rather plain, but reminders of impending updates and new "Living
Towers" keep it feeling alive. As far as 1-player modes go, MKX's
various Towers are mostly straight-forward. Like in the classic MK titles, the
various towers are filled with different arrangements of opponents (and the new
towers, surrounded by flying dragons, look especially badass in MKX). Aside from the Traditional Towers and
Living Towers (which change periodically), Towers Challengers and "Test
Your Luck" matches offer a unique
spin, featuring a slew of different gameplay modifiers, such as: gameplay
speed increase/decrease, upside-down camera, random teleporting (appropriately
called Portal Kombat), random missiles exploding on the stage, instant kill
power-ups, etc. They're definitely silly, so at least MK hasn't
entirely lost its "humor". Some of the Living Towers also allow
you to try out DLC characters for a short while, before (if and when) you decide
to buy them. Another good 'selling' strategy from NetherRealm. 
The Krypt in MKX has been given a massive overhaul. The MKX Krypt
"plays" like a 1st-person game where you not only destroy gravestones
and chests for bonus content but also "obtain" various items (such as Scorpion's spear or Raiden's staff) to eventually access new areas of the Krypt.
There are a surprising variety of "spooky" environments to explore, and
you might even become immersed (just watch out for those random creatures that jump out to scare
the shit out of you). The unlockables
players obtain from the Krypt include: move
commands for Fatalities & Brutalities, alternate costumes and concept
artwork - the usual stuff. To sum it up... it's easily the best Krypt to date.
Test Your Might also returns in MKX but is more novelty than anything else. The "mashing
buttons" mini game became stale in the 90's... and it's
basically no challenge (beat it 100% on my
first run with no trouble). At the
least, it's a sorta fun 2-player
mini game (for 2-minutes maybe)... but it's kinda entertaining seeing all the new
breaking materials they came up with. But this time, if you fail to break the material,
your character is tastelessly murdered before your eyes.
They included upwards of 10 different "TYM deaths" which
are just overkill, unnecessary, and a bit stupid. (Waste of
development time much? Should've spent that extra time beta testing or working
on the netcode).
Also new is the MKX Faction System allowing players to choose a faction from
MKX lore (Lin Kuei, Black Dragon, etc). There's not much to it, but
basically everything you do in the game earns you "Faction Points" which
contribute to the overall faction score online. You can also perform specific tasks while playing to
add points to your faction. Players who are part of the winning faction each week will earn
extra rewards such as bonus koins, icons & backgrounds to
customize online player cards (different ones depending on your faction). The game
also tracks a variety of fairly interesting player statistics: X-rays
connected, throws performed, character usage, etc. Other modes include a basic
Tutorial, which guides you through the fundamentals of MKX gameplay...
nothing more, nothing less.
character Variations is key.
Finally, GRAPHICS.... If you couldn't tell from the
crispy HD screenshots, MKX is definitely a next-gen fighting game when
it comes to visuals. Both during gameplay and up close on the character selection screen
(and the in-game character model viewer) MKX's character models and costumes are full
of ornate details, more-so than any MK game to date. To match the
characters, the backgrounds are among the
sharpest 2D backgrounds to date, and while I wish there were a few more
backgrounds (and some classic stages), the new stages deliver with
trademark "MK style" and unmistakably next-gen visuals. I'm also very impressed
by MKX's particle effects, which aren't obnoxiously in your face or seem forced like in some other games.
Character "battle damage" after fights also show off blood
stains, ripped clothing and even bullet-holes after fighting gun-users (very
cool attention to detail). Skin textures when wet also look impressive
(although, Raiden & Fujin look a bit too plasticy during their
story mode fight scene).
While MKX's overall graphics are superb, in typical NetherRealm
fashion, there are some generic qualities and fundamental flaws with some of the human faces. Hair detail is last-gen in
some cases (Liu Kang still has his PS2 hair intact... back from that one time he 'died'
but didn't). These up-close flaws are mostly
evident during pre-match cutscenes and MKX's story mode, as some character faces really shouldn't
get the "zoomed in" treatment. Sonya Blade's hideous facial expression when
Johnny Cage comes to her aid after his battle with Shinnok had me rolling.
In fairness, they actually did a bit better with Cassie Cage's face. (Or maybe good looks
just skip a
generation?) Generally speaking, facial
renderings on MKX's "monstrous" characters look much more
impressive... badass actually. Kotal
Kahn, Goro and D'Vorah for example look seriously cool up close. The other good
news is, during dialogue
sequences, facial animations
& (most) facial expressions look natural across the board.
Animation-wise, Mortal Kombat has clearly taken yet another step forward since
its earlier, "clunkier" days. As a whole, MKX has very
smooth, beautiful 60fps pace and very crisp hit detection (resulting in pretty epic "ouch
factor"). All characters definitely have their fair share of stylish, great-looking attacks... but
many MK'ers still suffer from awkward attack animations. The way some characters weirdly "reach
with their upper body" when punching is fundamentally not how you throw
a punch... and just looks dumb. Non-martial artists probably won't care,
but poor kicking and punching technique in a fighting game really grinds my
gears. Other lesser impressive animations
resemble bad CGI from early-2000's films or even claymation. Yes,
claymation. (Is this next-gen Clayfighter?) It's hard to pinpoint
exactly where
some animations
went wrong, but if you squint your eyes, some characters definitely look like
they're made of clay when animating. The way characters "faint" after every round
also looks silly - almost as if they're "acting".
In closing, the all-important netcode definitely comes up a bit short in MKX
(as it did in MK9). The latency is pretty noticeable even against online
friends who live in the same town. While it's "survivable" for casual
online play, serious players may find themselves ending up with the short side of the stick,
and on the opposite side of spamming, as
projectile / teleport-spamming characters may get the better of opponents online. I
hate to mention this (not really)... but Bandai Namco's free-to-play
2-year old title, Tekken Revolution, actually has better netcode than
this full-priced ($92 with all DLC) game. Ouch... but facts are
On the bright side, MKX's online mode does have some cool new features like
"Quitalities" (funny instant-death punishment for rage quitters) and a
selection of modes, including:
Team Battle, King of The Hill and Tower Battle. There are also solid options
while spectating, as players can browse player stats, match history, etc. The
Respect Points system also returns from MK9 and there are various other
small details like character emoticons that give MKX online mode
personality. However, perhaps my favorite thing about online mode is that you can actually check your
character's movelist DURING the match.
What a great idea... and it's especially a nice
option to have for a game like Mortal Kombat. (Quick, check that
Fatality command before he falls down!)
(It actually works btw.)
Page Updated: |
28th, 2022 |
Developer(s): |
Studios |
Publisher(s): |
Warner Bros.
Interactive |
Designer(s): |
Boon, John Edwards, Paulo Garcia
By: |
Platform(s): |
PlayStation 4, Xbox
One, PC
Release Date(s): |
14th, 2015 PS4 / XB1 / PC
Mar. 1st, 2016
Kombat XL - PS4/XB1
Characters: |
Scorpion, D'Vorah,
Kotal Kahn, Ferra
& Torr,
Cassie Cage, Raiden, Kano,
Goro, Quan
Chi, Kung Lao, Kitana,
Reptile, Ermac,
Johnny Cage, Sonya
Blade, Jax, Mileena,
Liu Kang, Kenshi,
Kung Jin, Takeda Takahashi,
Erron Black, Jacqui
Briggs, Shinnok, Corrupted
Shinnok, Tanya (DLC),
Jason (DLC),
Predator (DLC),
Bo Rai Cho (DLC),
Leatherface (DLC),
Alien (DLC),
Triborg (DLC) |
Featured Video:
Related Games: |
Kombat 11, Mortal Kombat 1, Mortal
Kombat, Mortal Kombat 2, Mortal
Kombat 3, Mortal Kombat 3 Ultimate,
Kombat 4, Mortal Kombat
MK: Deadly Alliance, MK:
Deception, MK: Armageddon,
Mortal Kombat 9, Mortal Kombat VS DC Universe,
Injustice: Gods Among Us, Ultra
Fighter 4, Tekken Revolution, Under
Night In-Birth EXE:Late, Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN-,
Killer Instinct (3), Tekken
7, Street Fighter 5, Injustice
2 |
8.5 / 10
/ Theme
9.0 / 10
9.5 / 10
6.0 / 10
/ Sound Effects
6.0 / 10
8.5 / 10
Art Direction
8.0 / 10
8.0 / 10
Options / Extras
9.0 / 10
Intro / Presentation
9.0 / 10
Replayability / Fun
6.0 / 10
"Ouch" Factor
9.0 / 10
8.5 / 10
8.7 /
Review based on PS4
Words: |
I give Ed Boon and NetherRealm credit where credit is due. Mortal Kombat, as a game series, has experimented and
changed their formula the most out of any fighting game franchise in history. By doing so, they've taken
quite a few missteps along the way, but MKX's
experience seems to highlight the absolute best of what a Mortal Kombat game is
all about.
Visually, and in terms of presentation, MKX is definitely a
groundbreaking next-gen fighting game. It's nearly impossible not to be impressed by the polished
in-game graphics and story content. But contrary to what your eyes might be telling you, MKX is not a
"revolutionary" fighting game. The actual 2D game mechanics aren't
anything entirely new, but new characters and animations make things
feel fresh again. If you enjoyed MK9 or Injustice competitively,
you'll feel right at home with MKX.
For everyone else, you might have to step
out of your "fighting game comfort zone" to enjoy MKX. While
very accessible for casuals, fighting game players who prefer more complex,
input-heavy games may be put off my MKX's redundant "tap tap
tap" combo
strings, 2-button
super moves (X-rays) that even a monkey could perform with ease, and
gimmick-heavy characters, some of whom are designed to be used in a very specific way.
Everything down to the Fatalities just wants the game to be "easy" for
players. Hell, NetherRealm is even selling "Easy Fatalities DLC" for
real money (in case hitting 4 directional inputs + 1 button is too hard).
Wow indeed.
It might not seem like a big deal,
but the very principle of selling a player "easy moves" is pretty insulting.
By that logic, NetherRealm is telling today's gamers that any move (from another
fighting game perhaps) with more than 4 directional inputs + 1 button can
considered "hard" and perhaps too difficult for a new player to learn?
To conclude my rant, I don't
approve of this trend of "dumbing down" fighting game learning curves.
Indeed, there are elements of MKX that cater heavily to the casual crowd
to win that "mass appeal" approval. In
America at least, Mortal
Kombat has the strongest
name recognition out of any fighting game series. This can be
attributed to not only the shock value and controversial, censor-shattering gore,
but also the unforgettable, iconic characters who... regardless of how many
have been performed on them... will never actually die (or stop being made into
cheap Halloween costumes).
With a
fairly epic story mode
filled with Hollywood cliches, MKX is a natural hit for casuals, and also since it's one of the most easy-to-play fighting games
of this era.
Add-in some DLC horror movie icons like Jason, Leatherface, and even the Xenomorph
from the Alien movies... and "MKXL" has mainstream button-masher appeal
written all over it for years to come. On that note, I think the inclusion of the horror movie
icons is a bit "overkill," even for MK. I suppose the team deserves credit for
trying something different, but I think most old school / hardcore fans of MK would agree that
these washed up Hollywood don't really fit in with the MK universe and
are nothing but easy "cash-ins" at the end of the day. And to think,
those character slots could've been filled by classic, beloved MK
characters, instead.
Furthermore, some of their Fatalities are just too much... and just like in the
horror movies, are distasteful and juvenile. Perhaps, as a 32-year-old
with 25+ years of fighting game experience, I've just
"outgrown" gore... and Mortal Kombat in general... long ago.
What NetherRealm envisioned
for MKX in the sense of gameplay and presentation, they accomplished not
with flying colors or flashy artwork like other fighting games do... but in their trademark
"gritty and dark" style (but truthfully, MKX
is more silly than it is dark). The mid-match, intestine-ripping skull-cracking violence is a gory novelty that obviously can't be taken
too seriously when
characters humorously "spring up" after having their spines shattered
and skulls caved in. In that sense of presentation alone, other fighting
games still emit a more honest "vibe" that makes sense for their universes. But nonetheless,
X is no doubt one of the best Mortal
Kombat games to date. MKX isn't a flawless victory, but a victory
for the series overall.
~TFG Webmaster |
MKX's storyline drifts from
the ambiguous "tournament" plot frequent in fighting games for
decades, but ushers in
some very typical Hollywood cliches at the same time (resulting in
both pros and
cons). Ever since Warner Bros. teamed up with NetherRealm, Mortal Kombat
has indeed become increasingly more "Hollywood". So who
better to kick off MKX's story mode than washed up movie star, Johnny
Cage himself? (His 'starring' role later to
be succeeded by his daughter, Cassie Cage.) In general, the story &
cinematic pacing is well done and keeps you watching with interest. As the story
skips around, giving different characters their turn in the spotlight, players
will take control of said fighter in familiar 2-round matches (you'll play
almost as often as you watch the story). Overall, it's a smart way of introducing
characters, but a bit overwhelming in terms of actually learning them (you'll
inevitably be in the habit of pausing the action to check movelists time and time again).
The fight choreography in Story is surprisingly good and features QTE
events, which are no-brainer button presses that alter the progression of the
cinematic fights (but actually don't alter the outcomes or the story in any
way). As each chapter follows a character or two, some of the new characters also get flashback segments which flesh them out a bit. Not only does the
story introduce each character, but each of MKX's stages as well. You might
recognize a few of the stages before playing through story mode, and then
realize the current fight takes place in the very middle of that stage... Cool

the new generation of Mortal Kombat heroes.
While MKX's story offers far more content than any recent fighting
game, that doesn't mean it's automatically "good". It's easy to be
impressed by the graphics, along with random cool moments throughout the story, but it's difficult
(for me) to overlook some "typical Hollywood movie" cliches that are
painfully worn out.
These cliches (AKA: things I've been "tired of seeing" in movies since the
90's) have now made their way into a fighting game.
Let's see.... "Powerful amulet held by evil-doer?" (Ohh God... like that wasn't overused by every villain in the
mid 90's).
Seriously, between Chapters 11-12 alone, they managed to fit in a "super cheesy love interest"
a "saved just in the nick of time" cliche... a "sneaking around
the corner but then found due to noise" cliche... a "someone
falls off cliff but is unsurprisingly saved" cliche... an "awakened
new power just in the
nick of time" cliche... and to top it all off, a terribly corny pun spoken by the
protagonist: "You're the bug, I'm the windshield?"...
Really Cassie? You just had to use a bug pun on D'Vorah before the
fight? Furthermore, he entire story mode's soundtrack is the most cliche,
stereotypical, boring orchestral score I've ever heard.
One of the ironic flaws of MKX's story mode is the gore
itself. Characters repeatedly jabbing sharp objects through each other's flesh doesn't make sense in fights where characters seem to have "mutual
respect" for one
another. For example (*Spoiler Alert*),
Scorpion tells Sonya after fighting:
"I wish you no harm Sonya Blade."
Yeaaaah... after he just broke her neck and then stuck a spear through her skull,
twice? And how about Sub-Zero's "training exercise" where military
grunts with guns and Lin Kuei ninjas armed with swords fight for over 10
minutes... and nobody dies.
Because... it's a training exercise. And after Sub-Zero has 7 bullet holes in his chest (awesomely
showing them off during his
win pose) and Cassie Cage's intestines were ripped out and shoved into her eye
ohh guess what guys... "IT WAS ALL JUST A TEST."
Mortal Kombat, you try to be all "cool" and "dark"... but you are far more silly
and ridiculous than anything else.
Predictable cliches and moments of bad, rushed writing are among the main
reasons why I dislike and won't pay to see 90% of Hollywood movies these days, so
forgive me if I seem harsh on MKX's writing... as this is a pet peeve of
mine (since I'm a writer myself). For a supposedly "dark" and
"gritty" game, the moments of juvenile dialogue and
overused cliches is childish. The story also falls flat on several
occasions. For one, the villains should've been represented much, much better.
(Example: Really Quan Chi? You're this ultra powerful Sorcerer who rides demon
horses, can bring dead people back to life and summons giant evil bats, but you
let 'Merica's Jax Briggs strut into your evil sorcerer lair, on foot... uppercut you one time,
and take you into custody?
Into custody? LMAO. Lame-ality. There's
another scene where Quan Chi's evil minions have Raiden defeated (but not dead
of course), so they just decide to kick him around on the ground like schoolyard
bullies for 5 minutes. No guys... definitely DON'T use your awesome killing
powers or X-ray moves when f*cking Raiden The Thunder God is on the ground
withering in pain. Just kick him around a bit.... Yeah. That should work. Great
Anyhow, if you can get past the periodic catering to a "mass appeal"
audience, you'll enjoy the better aspects of MKX's
story. For one, there are an insane amount of character cameos (which I won't
spoil) from past games, and you'll even fight against some of these cameo
characters (who happen to use portions of their MK9 movesets). And to state the obvious, the
in-game graphics and the multitude of action happening onscreen at once are
solid next-gen eye candy. In closing, yes... MKX's story mode is
"decent"... but the writing is uninspired. Considering
the story is set 20+ years after MK9, there were many missed