Kombat: Deadly Alliance

STORY: Scorpion
had found out of Quan Chi's involvement in the death of his family and
began to pursue him throughout the Netherealm. During his escape, Quan
Chi entered a portal that sent him to ancient writings where he learned of the history of his amulet and
the Dragon King's invincible army.
He managed to escape from the Netherealm using a secret portal and approached
Shang Tsung with an offer to join forces and rule the realms together.
Quan Chi established a "Soulnado" in Shang Tsung's fortress with the agreement
that Shang Tsung would use some of the souls to animate the army. Together,
they approached Shao Kahn and attacked him, seemingly killing him in his
weakened state. It was later revealed that they killed a clone, and that
the real Shao Kahn had escaped. The Deadly Alliance then double-teamed
and killed the only one who could possibly stop them, the Mortal Kombat
Champion, Liu Kang.
Raiden once again rallied
the Earthrealm soldiers to stop this impending threat. Also included in
the battle were newcomers Li Mei and Nitara. Nitara's realm had been merged
into Outworld against her will, whereas Li Mei was trying to free her land
from The Deadly Alliance. Others joined the fight as well, including the
newly reprogrammed Cyrax (now working for the U.S. Special Forces Unit
with Jax and Sonya), as well as Kenshi, a warrior who had been blinded
by Shang Tsung's treachery and who sought revenge, and Sub-Zero, the younger
brother of the original Sub-Zero and the new leader of the Lin Kuei. Unfortunately,
these heroes were unable to stop the Deadly Alliance, as the two sorcerers
overcame all foes, destroying the majority of the opposition.
Kombat: Deadly Alliance character select screen.
In the early / mid 90's, the MK
series literally changed the face of the fighting genre forever. Since then, the
series has slowly fallen from its former greatness, as numerous "rehashes" and
cheesy spin-offs failed to live up to the original titles. And lest we forget
the atrocity that was MK: Annihilation, which certainly didn't help
While iconic, MK's aged 2D
gameplay also fell stale (especially when compared to the new generation 2D
fighters), so clearly... a proper "reboot" was in order.
After a 4-year-long absence, the Mortal
Kombat series returns with a brand new coat of paint and a completely new
gameplay engine in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance. Ed Boon and the MK team at Midway
ditched the Mortal Kombat 4 (and Gold) engine, introducing a completely
new 3D gameplay system featuring both hand-to-hand combat and weapon combat,
like the most recent prequels.
A new graphics engine
also shows off the most detailed character models seen in an
MK game to date, as well as some cool looking and particularly moody 3D environments that
suit the series very well. Deadly Alliance's presentation includes: a cool extended
introduction movie, an impressive handful of modes & options, and
a ton of extras to unlock. MK: Deadly Alliance also marks the return of several classic
MK characters that
haven't been seen in quite some time (including Kano & Shang Tsung), and introduces a handful of
newcomers as well.
guys have no idea what you're doing... but please keep dancing.
The gameplay feels "similar" to previous
installments at first, but Deadly Alliance introduces
sidestepping to the series for the first time... taking MK out of the realm of 2D
and into true 3D gameplay. This drastic change puts the MK series in a
different light, as it now ventures into the 3D fighting realm dominated by the
likes of Tekken 4, Dead or Alive 3, and Soul Calibur 2.
Deadly Alliance's combo system is a bit
more polished than what the series became known for in the recent past, and is pretty
fun overall. One of the most notable aspects of the new gameplay system is that
characters can switch between 3 different fighting styles, on the spot. Each
fighter has 2 open hand fighting styles and 1 weapon fighting style. This creates not
only interesting-looking gameplay but opens the door for a variety of combos
that utilize different stances. This concept is also unique in the fighting
genre, as it has only been attempted in a few other games (those being Star Wars: Masters of Teras Kasi and Ninja
The idea of being able to switch fighting styles is definitely cool and all, but the
fighting styles themselves leave a lot to be desired (especially from a fan of authentic martial
arts like myself). Not
only do 70% of attacks look a bit "stiff," but the martial arts styles
represented in Deadly Alliance are far from authentic. A few are close at
best, but the majority are simply slapped on as a novelty. Simply put,
oftentimes the MK characters look like they're "playing"
martial arts instead of fighting for their life.
Non martial arts enthusiasts may not notice this, but those of us that appreciate
properly represented fighting
styles in our fighting games will see this flaw as plain as day. Character movelists are also on the short side, especially when
compared to the likes of Soul Calibur 2
or Tekken 4... yes, we must compare MK to 3D fighting games now.
On the bright side, the graphics in Deadly Alliance are
sharp on all 3 systems! Character models are nicely detailed (Scorpion
never looked so badass) and the backgrounds, lighting effects, and reflections
don't fail to impress either. The animation is good sometimes, but once again, a handful
of character movements are kinda jagged. However, there are plenty of cool
and recognizable moves that do have oomph, and bring the pain. The camera also plays a part
in the "awe" factor of the game, and does a great job in cinematically
capturing all the action going on, as well as showing off the cool arenas
which stretch pretty far back into the horizon. Characters' faces also become bruised and
bloodied after a match. It's a nice touch... but I wonder, why do the
characters have blood on their faces only, and nowhere else?
Looks kinda weird.
was cool in this game. No pun intended.
Alliance also introduces an all new mode called Konquest, where
players take a
little journey learning all of the characters moves, all the while earning "koins"
which they can use to purchase "extras" in The Krypt. The Krypt system is
also nice addition to the game and is something you won't find in an
"arcade" fighting game. Within the Krypt, players open (AKA purchase) coffins that contain
unlockables, like: concept art, early screenshots, logos, print adds, and "behind the
scenes" pics, in addition to more "useful" things like new characters, stages,
character outfits, extra koins, etc. There are 676 coffins to open I
believe... can you say replay value?! 
Alliance is no doubt a decent console-exclusive fighter, but there are some
flaws.... To nitpick a little further, I will say that some of the fatalities are lacking on the shock
value that the series thrives on. Some of them are
just plain stupid and will leave many players with a "blank stare"... you might even
hear some crickets afterwards if you listen closely.
Also, there's only 1 fatality per character,
which is a pretty big disappointment considering the series history.
The character roster is also very unbalanced, as Midway obviously worked
harder on some characters than others for some reason. In fact, some
characters clearly have a significantly larger movelist and a wider selection of
special moves than others. The new characters introduced also lack the "awe
factor" of the veteran MK characters, part of the reason being their uninspired
movelists. Many classic moves from veteran combatants are simply "gone"
as well. My last gripe is that the characters "grow" and
then suddenly "shrink" from retrieving power ups in-game.... That's
actually one of the stupidest things I've seen in a fighting game. What is
this... Mario Kombat?
Page Updated: |
26th, 2025 |
Developer(s): |
Midway |
Publisher(s): |
Midway |
Designer(s): |
Platform(s): |
2, Gamecube, Xbox
Release Date(s): |
November 22nd, 2002 |
Characters: |
Quan Chi, Kenshi,
Lao, Mavado,
Cage, Jax,
Reptile, Moloch,
Hao, Drahmin,
Mei, Frost,
Rai Cho, Nitara,
Featured Video:
Related Games: |
Kombat: Deception, Mortal Kombat: Armageddon,
Kombat, Mortal Kombat 2, Mortal
Kombat 3, MK3 Ultimate,
Kombat 4,
MK Gold, MK Trilogy, Mortal
Kombat Vs. DC Universe, Mortal Kombat 9, Mortal
Kombat X, Mortal Kombat 11, Mortal
Kombat 1, Soul Calibur 2, TEKKEN
Ninja Master's, Star
Wars: Masters of Teras Kasi, Bloody Roar 3, Dead
or Alive 3, Tekken 4, Soul
Calibur 2, Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution |
Gameplay Engine
7.5 / 10
Story / Theme
8.5 / 10
Overall Graphics
9.0 / 10
8.0 / 10
Music / Sound Effects
7.0 / 10
8.0 / 10
Art Direction
8.5 / 10
7.0 / 10
Options / Extras
8.5 / 10
Intro / Presentation
9.0 / 10
Replayability / Fun
8.0 / 10
"Ouch" Factor
7.5 / 10
6.5 / 10
/ 10
Review based on PS2
Words: |
Midway did a decent job bringing their hit franchise back up to speed. Deadly
Alliance has its flashy moments and packs a handful of interesting extras for a
console-exclusive fighting game, but... from the perspective of a hardcore
arcade fighting game player... MKDA's gameplay and mechanics simply don't hold a candle to
other 3D (and 2D) fighting games of the time. Midway also could've done a much better
job developing some of the brand new characters and fighting styles... because several
are just plain uninspired.
Of course, casual fighting
game fans and Mortal Kombat fans will undoubtedly get some enjoyment out
of Deadly Alliance
for the cool unlockable extras, Konquest mode, and hard-hitting 3D gameplay.
However, fighting game players looking for more substance may become bored
quicker than they can unlock all the extras in the game.
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