November 8th, 2022
New Street Fighter 6
Tidbits via Game Informer
Informer posted an exclusive Street
Fighter 6 article today revealing several new tidbits of
information and visuals for Capcom's upcoming 2D fighting game. A brand new Ken
Masters artwork (below), illustrated by designer Goro Tokuda,
will serve as Game Informer's issue 351 cover art. GI's article
also unveiled a new screenshot showing Ken's
"classic" costume in Street Fighter 6. Furthermore, the GI article
offers an exclusive first look at the "Dynamic Controls"
option —
a local-only feature that aims to help "button mashers" excel.
(Yes, you read that correctly.)
Game Informer shared two videos providing new details
on Street Fighter 6's Dynamic Control Type with SF6's game
director and producer. 


From Game
part of this month's cover story, we're excited to show off an exclusive
look at the third, offline-only control scheme coming to SF6 – Dynamic
Control Type."
name behind Dynamic Controls refers to how the computer A.I.
which attack to perform as players hit buttons, based on their current position and
situation. For example, if a player's character is far away from the
opponent, pressing the face button might throw a projectile. On the
flipside, that same button could activate a combo when a character is
up-close. It's worth noting that basic character movement and Parrying
are still manual inputs for players who choose the Dynamic Control Type.
In the video below, Street Fighter 6 director Takayuki Nakayama and
producer Shuhei Matsumoto sat down with Game Informer to
demonstrate Dynamic
Nakayama-san had this to say regarding
Dynamic Controls. "In a normal fighting game, when they
(mash buttons), they just do a lot of whiffs. We wanted something
important and something that makes a difference happen by randomly
pressing buttons."
It's worth noting that the Dynamic Control Type is different from Street Fighter 6's "Modern Controls" option —
naturally dubbed by experienced fighting game players as an
"easy mode" which simplifies a player's options by narrowing down
commands to fewer buttons and inputs while maximizing effectiveness.
Capcom mentioned their goal was to balance Modern and Classic Controls so that
both can be competitive in matches. While Modern and Classic Controls are
available across all game modes, Dynamic Controls are only available
locally and won't be selectable online.
Finally, Game
Informer's Street Fighter 6 cover reveal trailer (above) briefly
shows new gameplay footage of Chun-Li
and Ryu in their classic
costumes which were first revealed back in July.
The video also outlines GI's recent trip to Japan to try out SF6
with Capcom. You
can read the article in its entirety over at GameInformer.
Also check out
some additional screens of Ken and Ryu's classic costumes, below.
On Wednesday, Game
Informer shared several new details on Ken Masters' storyline as well as
official artwork in the new
article, in addition to showing off new screenshots of his classic
costume. Check it out for more!
~TFG Webmaster, Frank Joseph
| @Fighters_Gen
Informer, Game
Informer (YouTube)
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Related TFG Links: Street Fighter 6,
Ken Masters |