Ken was born into a rich
family; his father the owner of a well known hotel chain. When Ken was a
teenager, his father decides that his son needed to learn discipline, or else
he'll become spoiled and mooch off of him for the rest of his life. Ken is sent
to Japan to train under his father's old friend, Gouken.
At first, Ken is hesitant and wanted to return home, but he eventually begins to
respect Gouken and the martial arts. Ken soon becomes good friends and training
partners with Gouken's adopted son, Ryu.
When Ryu turns 23, Gouken
decides that both of his students had grown into worthy fighters and that their
training is over. After they were permitted to leave the dojo, Ryu decides to
travel the world to continue his training, and Ken is happy to return home to
America. Back in the USA, Ken competes in many martial arts tournaments and is victorious in most of them. He also
meets a girl Eliza, who soon becomes his girlfriend.
After winning a famous martial arts tournament, Ken returns to Japan to tell
Master Gouken about his victory. However, when he arrives at the dojo, he
witnesses Gouken's death at the hands of
Enraged, he attacks Akuma but is easily defeated. Akuma then vanishes from the
dojo grounds. Afterwards, Ken searches for Ryu to inform him on what had
happened to their master. Upon meeting Ryu, they catch and decide to have a
like old times. Upon winning, Ken realizes Ryu wasn't acting like himself
(which he later learns is due to his recent fight with Sagat).
Ryu tells Ken that deep within him, there is a burning rage... a power trying to
overcome him. To cheer him up, Ken gives Ryu his red headband and tells him to
stay focused.

Ken then receives an invitation to the second Street Fighter tournament, but
due to spending so much time with his girlfriend, Eliza, he has been slacking on his
training. However, Ryu personally challenges Ken, which inspires him to enter
the tournament and continue his training. After the events of Street Fighter
2, Ken marries Eliza, something he vowed only to do after winning a decisive victory
against Ryu (it is believed that Ken did defeat Ryu during the events of SF2).
At one point during the tournament,
M. Bison
takes control of Ken after inducing a large amount of Psycho Power into him, and
"Sennou Ken"
becomes Ken's alter-ego for a short period of time. Ken becomes a killing
machine for a brief while, and attacks several of his friends. After he recovers, Ken ends up helping the other fighters defeat Bison.
In the SNK VS Capcom Chaos storyline, Ken absorbs the Orochi power and
becomes Violent Ken.
During the events of Street Fighter IV, Eliza is a few months pregnant
and Ken doesn't want to leave her to enter the tournament. Eliza senses his
inner conflict and assures him that she'll be fine, and the baby isn't due for
quite a while, persuading him to enter the tournament. After he enters, Ken
encounters a weird guy named Rufus, who
claims to be his rival. After the tournament, Ken discovers that Gouken did not
die in the battle with Akuma. Many
years later, Ken decides to enter the third Street Fighter tournament.
During this time, a Brazilian teenager named Sean
consistently begs Ken to train him, and Ken reluctantly accepts. Ken also trains his
son Mel, who is now old enough to learn martial arts.

Street Fighter
2, SF2: Championship
Edition, SF2: Turbo,
Super SF2, Super
SF2 Turbo, Super SF2
Turbo: Hd Remix, Super SF2 Revival,
Ultra SF2, Street Fighter EX, Street
Fighter EX2, Street Fighter EX3,
Fighter: The Movie, Street Fighter Alpha,
Fighter Alpha 2,
Street Fighter Alpha
3, SFA3 Upper, SFA3 Max,
Fighter 3: New Generation, SF3: 2nd Impact,
SF3: 3rd Strike, SF3: 3rd Strike Online Edition, Street
Fighter 4, Super SF4, Super
SF4: 3D
Edition, Super SF4:
Edition, Ultra Street Fighter 4, Street
Fighter V, SFV: Arcade
Edition, SFV: CE, Street
Fighter 6, Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo, Super
Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo: HD Remix, Pocket Fighter,
SNK Vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium,
Fighters Clash, Card Fighters
Clash 2, Card Fighters
Clash DS, X-Men Vs. Street Fighter, Marvel
Vs. Capcom 2,
Capcom Vs. SNK, Capcom
Vs. SNK: Pro, Capcom Vs. SNK 2, SNK
Vs. Capcom
Chaos, Namco X Capcom, Street
Fighter X Tekken, SFA: Anthology, SF: Anniversary Collection,
SF:30th Anniversary
Collection, Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves
