Abel was found in an
abandoned Shadaloo base suffering from amnesia. Abel feels as if he has had no
family. After finding a stray puppy and taking him in, he starts a journey to
discover who he really is and where he comes from, after which he says he will
be able to name the dog. He first goes to the detective, Chun-Li,
who is investigating Shadaloo. Upon hearing his connection to Shadaloo, she
recommends that he participate in the S.I.N. Tournament to learn more about
his past.
During the S.I.N.
tournament, he encounters Guile, and
notices that Guile uses the same moves as the soldier that nursed him back to
health. When Abel recognizes Guile's moves, Guile then realizes that Abel must
have known Charlie, and immediately starts pressing
him for answers. Abel refuses to reveal secrets to someone he's never met before
and their fight escalates. Guile then learns that the man who saved Abel could
use the Sonic Boom, and tells Abel that it must have been Charlie. Abel also
encounters Fei Long at some point, and the movie star
is impressed with the mercenary's ability.
Abel eventually arrives at S.I.N. headquarters around the same time as Guile and
Chun-Li. As Guile races to rescue Chun-Li from Vega's
trap, Seth (or one of the 26 copies of Seth) stops Guile in his tracks. Abel
tackles Seth, allowing Guile to reach Chun-Li before she dies. Abel is surprised
to find that he and Seth look
identical. Abel is called "imperfect" as Bison
appears from behind and destroys "Seth". Bison allows Abel to leave
unharmed for unknown reasons. Abel is later seen looking at the ruined S.I.N.
base with Guile and an unconscious Chun-Li.
After the tournament,
Abel informs Chun-Li that he's going to go on another journey to find more
answers. He also goes to Fei Long, warning him of the dangers he may face from
S.I.N. and offering to help. As it turns out, Abel is a genetically engineered
replacement body created for use by M. Bison. He was to be disposed of with the
other failed creations, but he alone managed to survive and escape. Abel was the
first person to be chosen by Bison to be converted into a "doll".
Unlike other dolls which are marked by number, this successful one was named
"Abel". Based on UDON's Street Fighter 4 comic, after Bison's
doll No. 15 lost his battle with Akuma, his head was
kicked hard, resulting in the software installed by Bison being destroyed and
No. 15 becoming free. He named himself Seth.

Updated: June 28th, 2020
It appears Abel feels
that pants are a bit "constricting"... lol. He has amnesia after all.
Did he forget his pants somewhere? ;) Shorty shorts aside,
he's a unique and cool archetype that the SF series hadn't seen before
his arrival. As a "MMA style" fighter/grappler, Abel has some killer grabs & strikes,
making him a well rounded fighter. His silent & cool personality also suits his style. Abel's original Super Art
suits him, but his second Ultra is honestly one of the
silliest super moves I've ever seen... "Breathless" involves way
much spinning and unnecessary yelling. It's downright comical (and I don't think
that's really what Capcom was going for). :/
Also, something worth pointing out, Abel seems to slightly resemble Joe
from SF1... they definitely have the
same haircut. Hmm, is Abel he actually Joe and
simply forgot because of his amnesia? That would be a clever fan-service
storyline on Capcom's part. Finally, Abel also shares some similarities with
MMA legend, Fedor
Emelianenko. Head over to TFG's Separated
at Birth for more about that likeness.
Style / Moveset |
/ Charisma |
/ Appearance |
in series |
Score |
