is still trolling us in 2022... In recent years, this particular photo
of American restaurateur, author, and an Emmy Award winning television
presenter, Guy Fieri, was used for countless internet memes. In short,
Guy Fieri's popularity spiked in recent years. Is it a coincidence that Luke's
official Street
Fighter 6 artwork is based on this iconic Guy Fieri photo? HELL
NO it's not a coincidence. Perhaps, Capcom is hoping people will come
around to like Luke, as they randomly did with Guy Fieri.
Tom Cruise, Meg Ryan & Art of Fighting (1) Background Characters
The popular film Top Gun starring Tom Cruise released in May
1986. Six years later, SNK released Art of Fighting in September
1992, and decided to include a cute cameo with two background characters resembling Tom Cruise and Meg Ryan in their
iconic "movie poster pose" from Top Gun. Interestingly, this U.S. Army stage for AOF1's John Crawley was inspired by
Guile's iconic
stage fromStreet Fighter II, which featured similar background characters in army fatigues.
Travers & Arnold Schwarzenegger
we found the actual reference photo for Cody's
original Final Fightconcept
artwork by Akiman.
Over 3 decades after the release of Capcom's iconic beat-em-up, we learn
that Cody was at least partly inspired by the man, the myth, the
governor... Arnold Schwarzenegger. It even makes sense that Cody was
inspired by late 80's Arnold, as he was one of the most popular action
heroes of the time. Hey Capcom, how about you guys make Final
Fight 4 featuring Mayor
Haggar and Governor Arnold teaming up to clean up Metro City's
streets once more!?
Chambers and Poison Kiss
continuation... this early concept artwork of Final
Fight's Poison Kiss
by Akiman was directly
referenced from this Insatiable (1980) movie poster featuring
Marilyn Chambers. I mean... you can clearly see the similarities,
right? Right down to the uhh... jean shorts.
Discovering reference art is fun!
& Claudia Schiffer
Fighter II V is an anime series that originally aired in Japan
in 1995. Much of the Street Fighter cast from the anime,
including Chun-Li, showed off
brand new threads unfamiliar to their appearances in the games. Along
with the Street Fighter II V series, this Chanel advertisement featuring Claudia Schiffer also debuted in
Literally the only difference is the hairstyle.
Terry Bogard & Ichiro
random inspirations for iconic fighting game illustration decades after originally seeing
the art? Priceless. This classic and iconic Terry Bogard illustration by
Shinkiro was inspired by this baseball card of professional Japanese baseball player, Ichiro
Suzuki. If you look closely, you can also see Terry's hat has the same "Blue Wave" team logo!
Fox & Brad Pitt as Mickey O'niel
is a 2000 British-American crime comedy film written and directed by Guy
Ritchie. TEKKEN 4
released in arcades just one year later in July 2001. Brad Pitt plays a tough (and hilarious) Irish boxer named Mickey
O'Niel who loves street fighting. Steve
Fox's original alternate costume
concept artwork had him in a fedora hat and a pink shirt —
definitely inspired by Brad Pitt's character in Snatch! However,
the final version of Steve's alternate outfit has him in a Blue shirt
(probably to make the likeness less obvious).
John Goodman & Goldlewis Dickinson
John Goodman as Walter Sobchak from The Big Lebowski
(1998) and Goldlewis Dickinson from Guilty Gear STRIVE(2021). The way Walter takes a crowbar to that car in the movie
is pretty much the same animation as Goldlewis swinging his coffin-weapon.
I'm calling this one Intentional... and calling Arc System Works fans of The Big Lebowski. Case closed.
Goodman & Sol Badguy
you need an explanation on this one... well, the joke went over your
head (and apparently you've missed out on some of the best TV shows of
all time). It's all good, man. Saul Goodman, played by the awesome Bob Odenkirk, is a criminal
lawyer from Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul. Perhaps
Sol Badguy's "FREE" belt buckle
commemorates that one time when Saul Goodman got him out of a jam. A reckless
dude like Sol would need a cheap criminal lawyer like Saul. Makes perfect sense.
Both are snazzy dressers, btw.