Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition

3D Edition contains all 35
characters from the original version, complete with all of their iconic
moves and mannerisms. Some notable features of this portable fighter include Wi-Fi Arcade Standby,
Worldwide Online Multiplayer, Spectator
Mode (AKA Channel Live), StreetPass functionality and Figure Collecting. Also,
only need one cartridge to play
a local multiplayer game thanks to the Download
Play feature!

One of the most
visually interesting portable fighters to date.
SSF4: 3D Edition is a very graphically impressive handheld title,
putting the earlier iPhone version of SF4 to shame. The real-time 3D effect
harmonizes with SF4's highly acclaimed graphics style and intense camera
angles like a perfect-fitting glove. It works so well in fact, that it almost seems as if Super Street
Fighter IV was specifically made for Nintendo 3DS to show off its capabilities. Turning
on the 3D swiftly enhances stages and projectiles, giving them previously unseen
depth, and brilliantly compliments those epic camera angles on SF4's
famed Ultra Moves. Developers are going to be hard-pressed to top Capcom's beautiful incorporation
of the 3DS's stereoscopic 3D effects
anytime soon!
The downgrade in graphics quality from the console version isn't as bad as I
originally expected. Character models look astonishingly close to their high-def
console counterparts, and their shortcomings are hardly noticeable. On the other
hand, the 3D background detail has been significantly compromised. Projectile
lighting effects and environment animations have been removed
entirely, leaving background characters lifeless.
The good news is that all 22 stages are intact from the original! Overall,
backgrounds still look decent enough and have considerable depth, especially when using the new "Dynamic Camera Angle".

dynamic Camera Angle is awesome and unique!
There are two camera angles
available: the traditional 2D fighting game view (with
or without stereoscopic 3D effects enabled) and the new 3D "over the
shoulder" angle, which was designed to make the 3D effects stand out even more.
The Dynamic view is easily 3D Edition's most prominent new feature and
presents a truly unique visual experience unlike any other 2D fighting game in
history. I
enjoy playing the game using the Dynamic angle simply because it gives you an
entirely new look at SF4's charismatic animation. However, using Dynamic camera definitely makes
it more difficult to judge distance during gameplay, so nitpicky players will probably stick to
the traditional 2D view.
Now for the subject you've all been waiting for... the controls. First of all,
if you must have arcade perfect controls and you have no desire to
adapt to a slightly different control scheme, just keep playing on console and
shut up.
For the rest of us, the 3DS's analog
stick or "circle pad" takes some getting used to. The good news is
that the circle pad is very responsive and, in my opinion, is pretty substantial for a 2D fighting
game. Hadokens, shoryukens and super moves can can
be done with relative ease using the circle pad; while
dashing, cancels and airborne special moves are trickier. As far as the traditional d-pad
goes; it's kinda stiff for a fighting game and it's surface is a bit too
"sticky" for my tastes, but I'm hoping it might loosen up over time.
Finally, the
3DS's bottom Touch Screen can be used to perform special moves instead
of inputting them manually, which is a great option for beginner/casual players. There
are 4 panels on the bottom screen that can be assigned to perform
special inputs. For example, players can assign a panel to perform "LP+MP+HP" or
"LK+MK+MK"... which definitely comes in handy considering the 3DS's compromised
button layout. Two control types are available: "Pro" and "Lite".
Pro Mode's 4 panels feature Throw, Focus Attack, LP+MP+HP and LK+MK+MK, while
Lite Mode's panels offer 2 prominent Special Moves, a Super Move and an Ultra
Move... all at the press of 1 button... err screen. 

All 35 characters
intact + 3 outfits per character!
some hardcore players will scoff at the simplified controls, it's actually a wise
idea on Capcom's part to include this type of control scheme on a handheld. Why? For one, you definitely don't want to wear out
the controls on your shiny new Nintendo 3DS playing Street Fighter. When you wear out
your old fight stick or controller it's one thing, but nobody wants to have to
send their 3DS to Nintendo to be repaired or have to buy a new one after a few
months. Thus, there's no shame in enjoying the game
casually using simpler controls. For the record, I definitely prefer using Pro
Mode (although I'm definitely no pro at SSF4).
That said, for the casual Street Fighter fan, 3D Edition is a nice
package overall. However, besides the new camera angle and the seizure-inducing 3D
visuals, there isn't much that sets it apart
from the console version. And unfortunately, it's lacking a few of the console
version's features like
the Japanese dialogue option. If you read my SSF4 review, you'd know that
I despise a few of the English voices in the game (and I know I'm not the only
one). Sadly, if you bought
the localized version, you're stuck with English voices for all characters.
The option
of having character specific BGMs is also gone, but the catchy stage-specific
themes are intact. Thankfully, the customization options are no disappointment, as
each character has 3 costumes (former console DLC) to choose from: Original, Arrange and Super
Figure Collecting Mode allows players to collect a variety of
figures per character, each in different poses and/or colors. Figures can also be obtained using the "Chance Encounter Communication"
where players face off
against each other automatically via StreetPass. Battles commence between each player's figures, and the more you fight the
more figures you earn. Unfortunately, the in-game figurines are quite tiny on
screen and there's no option to zoom in to check out the details, which for me, greatly
diminishes any motivation to "collect" them. It would be cooler
if they were viewable in 3D via "AR Cards" or something... but at the
moment, I don't have much motivation to collect these virtual figurines (and I collect Street
Fighter toys in real life)! 
Though bare bones, 3D Edition's Online Mode is surprisingly solid for a handheld fighting game,
and replicates the console version's basic online experience fairly well. "Arcade
Standby" also returns, which allows players to join in at
any time during your run through Arcade Mode, local or over the internet.
Also, if you
happen to pass by another player in real life while playing and your Arcade
Standby option is turned on, you'll enter a match with the other player via
StreetPass. Nintendo's new friend code system allows for quick and easy online
or local matches with friends. Unlike on the Wii and the DS, friend codes are now universal, meaning
there is just one
code per system rather than per game.
Updated: |
16th, 2025 |
Developer(s): |
Capcom |
Publisher(s): |
Capcom |
Designer(s): |
Yoshinori Ono
Daigo Ikeno Character Design
by: |
Daigo Ikeno
Platform(s): |
Nintendo 3DS
Release Date(s): |
26th, 2011
Mar. 27th, 2011
Characters: |
Chun-Li, Dhalsim, Zangief,
E. Honda, Blanka, Guile,
Viper, El Fuerte, Abel,
Cammy, Rose,
Long, Dan, Sakura,
T. Hawk, Dee Jay, Cody,
Guy, Adon,
Juri, Dudley,
Ibuki, Makoto,
Hakan |
Featured Video:
Related Games: |
Super Street Fighter 4, Super
Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition, Ultra Street
Fighter 4, Street
Fighter 4, Street
Fighter Alpha 3 Upper,
Street Fighter
Alpha 3 Max, Tekken 3D: Prime Edition, TEKKEN: Dark Resurrection, Dead
or Alive: Dimensions, Street
Fighter X Tekken, Street Fighter V, Street
Fighter 6 |
8.0 / 10
/ Theme
7.5 / 10
8.0 / 10
8.5 / 10
/ Sound Effects
6.5 / 10
8.5 / 10
Art Direction
7.5 / 10
9.5 / 10
Options / Extras
7.0 / 10
Intro / Presentation
8.5 / 10
Replayability / Fun
8.5 / 10
"Ouch" Factor
9.0 / 10
9.0 / 10
Words: |
Nintendo 3DS port of Super Street Fighter IV is a strong launch title
for the Nintendo 3DS, easily the best game available for the system at
launch (which isn't saying much, but hey)! If you've put some quality time into SF4 or
SSF4, you know what to expect out of the
gameplay, but 3D Edition offers a truly unique visual experience
that simply has to be seen in person. The screenshots don't do it much
justice at all!
The overall visuals aren't exactly what I'd call jaw-dropping, but the
3D effects integrate brilliantly with SSF4's graphics engine and epic camera angles. Unfortunately,
having the 3D effect turned on (by default) compromises the
frame rate significantly (30 FPS). However, if you
turn off "3D Display" from Game Settings, the game will
run at a smooth 60 FPS! Before I knew about this little "trick" I criticized
the 3DS for not being able to run the game at 60 FPS... my mistake!
(Although it would've been nice if Capcom included such info in the
options menu or manual. )
For the
record, I raised the game's overall score by .4 points
once I found out 3D Edition can run at 60 FPS!
If you're a hardcore SSF4 player and you want your 17-hit cancel-happy
combo to work flawlessly in 3D Edition, you better pass on this one... or
stop whining and learn how to enjoy the game casually.
If you're a casual player and want to throw
around some hadokens and super combos with some friends, you'll have a lot of fun with 3D
It's a shame that the Arcade Edition characters (Yun, Yang, Evil Ryu
& Oni Akuma) couldn't make the cut to the 3DS version, but Capcom explained
the timing of the development cycles for these two games didn't match up. Even
so, 35 great characters is nothing to sneer at, especially for a portable
fighting game. SSF4: 3D Edition proudly represents this era of fighting
games on Nintendo's shiny new handheld console and, at the least, should hold you over
until the next big 3DS fighting game release!
~TFG Webmaster |