Genjuro is a feared
samurai. He was a friend of Haohmaru's but
soon became his rival. He defeated the legendary Haohmaru in a past
encounter, nearly killing him. He is a former student of Nicotine's.
Because he holds no feelings for killing people, he was expelled by Nicotine.
Now he hates Haohmaru because of this. He lives his life as a killer for
hire and hunts down Haohmaru. In SS2, he joined with Mizuki
to fight against
Haohmaru but quickly betrayed Mizuki.
His mother was a
whore who always slept with a different man everyday. One night, Genjuro snapped
and killed the man that his mother brought into the house. As Genjuro tried
to leave the house, his mother tried to kill him but Genjuro fought back
and killed her instead. The scar he has on his back is from this incident.
This was what caused him to have such a ruthless personality.
Genjuro also represents
the Japanese card game called "Hanafuda." The little yellow frog that follows
him around is also found on one of the cards in Hanafuda.

Shodown 3, Samurai Shodown 4, Samurai
Shodown 5, Samurai Shodown 5 Special,
Shodown 6, Samurai Shodown 64,
Shodown 64: Warriors Rage, Samurai Shodown
Sen, Samurai Shodown (2019), Card Fighters
Clash, Card Fighters Clash
2, SNK VS Capcom Chaos,
Geo Battle Coliseum
