Hayate is the main
character of the Savage Reign series. He is a young man
who aims to prove the strength of the art of Fu'un-Ken, a special style that
combines martial arts with mastery of the boomerang. He is a dedicated warrior
who is a bit behind on the times. His loud voice makes him unintentionally rude
to others, which unfortunately gets him into a lot of fights.

Updated: Apr. 27th, 2020
Hayate looks like a combination
of a bunch of different designs. At first glance you might say he's another 90's Ryu rip-off...
but Hayate's design has got some unique aspects that are work a look. His moveset is pretty straight forward and isn't too extravagant, but he's got some cool stuff. As the hero of the Savage
Reign series, he's naturally one of the coolest designs from the series, but
of course, that's not saying too much. In any case, his 8-second yell in the Savage
Reign intro is pretty memorable. "UAAAAAAAAGHHH!" lol.
On the subject of his fighting style... there's very little possibility that fighting with a boomerang would actually work,
unless it's some sort of magical boomerang. That said, Hayate's weapon is kinda "reaching" and a bit silly if you ask me... but in a world where we accept "Hadokens" as normal, I guess magical attack boomerangs are fair game. Anyhow, Hayate's later appearance in the KOF series instantly made him a bit
"cooler" with that flashy new sprite & revamped animations. It was nice to to see SNK's updated take on him. Hayate is actually a
pretty fun character to use in KOF XI. Too bad he didn't make it to NeoGeo Battle Coliseum. I think he deserved to be there.
Style / Moveset |
/ Charisma |
/ Appearance |
in series |
Score |