
Savage Reign is set in the first
half of the 21st century in the fictional city of South Town (the same city used
in the Fatal Fury and Art of Fighting series), which has now been
upgraded and renamed as Jipang City. A mysterious legendary fighter known only
as King Leo has risen up from the shadows of secrecy and issued a challenge on
television for the strongest of fighters to battle against him in a fighting
tournament known as the Battle of the Beast God. He promises immense wealth
beyond anyone's dreams and legendary fame beyond imagination. Nine fighters have
come to the tournament, each with their own sole purpose and reason for battling
against King Leo.
Reign character selection screen.
By 1995, SNK had
established an impressive variety of solid and growingly popular fighting game franchises.
However, there were a variety of fighting games showing up on those NeoGeo
cabinets (and elsewhere) that were very commonly being dubbed as "Street
Fighter 2 ripoffs". With the mid 90's "me too" fighting game
bandwagon going strong, and being lead by games like Fighters History
& World Heroes, SNK saw another opportunity to overtake the fighting
game scene with Savage Reign.
Obviously, that idea didn't really work out in the long run. Savage
Reign ended up being a pretty rare fighting game to see at arcades. Most
NeoGeo cabinets featured games from the more-popular SNK series, like: Fatal Fury, Samurai
Shodown and King of Fighters, which most arcade owners were more
comfortable taking a chance with.
Hayate is your
character... with a boomerang.
In typical mid-90's "me
too" fighting game fashion, the character designs of Savage Reign
take obvious cues from a variety of already existing fighting game characters.
The cast of Savage Reign is definitely what you'd
call obscure, off-the-wall, and just downright strange. The weird
characters attempt, but don't really succeed at bringing out the loose
"futuristic" theme of Savage
Reign, and simply don't have the lasting appeal of
other fighters out there.
Savage Reign's large
sprites and colorful character sprites are reminiscent of those seen in Art of
Fighting, but the animation was rather uninspiring if you ask me. Clearly, SNK tried to
make Savage Reign stand out by adding a variety gameplay and graphical
trademarks from several of their more famous
franchises such as Fatal Fury, Art of Fighting, and Samurai
Shodown. (However, all of those games were clearly much better than this.)
not that Joker. . . The other clown named Joker.
The hand-drawn stages are nicely
designed, and like in Fatal Fury, fighters can jump in and out of the background in a
few of them. Besides that, your staple punching, kicking, and weapon attacks
make up a pretty straight-forward 2D gameplay system. While the halfway solid
gameplay engine of Savage Reign makes the game halfway playable, all of
the gameplay elements in the game were simply done better in other mid 90's
fighting games.
Page Updated: |
19th, 2024 |
Developer(s): |
Publisher(s): |
Platform(s): |
Geo, PS2, PS4
Release Date(s): |
Apr. 25th, 1995
May 25th, 1995 
June 21st, 2007
in Fu'un Super Combo -
Dec. 20th, 2016
in Fu'un Super Combo -
PS4 |
Characters: |
Hayate, Max Eagle, Carol
Gordon Bowman,
Chung Paifu,
Joker, Nicola
Lion |
Featured Video:
Related Games: |
Encounter, Art of Fighting 2, Fatal
Fury 3, Real Bout Fatal Fury, Double
Dragon, Fighters History, World
Heroes Perfect, Aggressors of Dark Kombat, Samurai
Shodown 3, Mortal Kombat 3, Darkstalkers
2, Killer Instinct 2, Street
Fighter Alpha, Marvel Super Heroes, Cyberbots,
Tekken 2, King of Fighters '95,
Golden Axe: The Duel, Galaxy
Fight, Urban Reign |
6.0 / 10
/ Theme
3.5 / 10
7.0 / 10
7.0 / 10
/ Sound Effects
5.5 / 10
3.5 / 10
Art Direction
6.0 / 10
4.0 / 10
Options / Extras
4.0 / 10
Intro / Presentation
5.0 / 10
Replayability / Fun
3.5 / 10
"Ouch" Factor
5.0 / 10
3.0 / 10
5.3 /
Review based on Arcade
Words: |
I only played Savage Reign once or
twice... and that was more than I ever wanted to play this game.
There's not much to the gameplay or graphics that hasn't already been done in
1995... and Savage Reign's characters just seem to be trying too hard to distinguish
Old school, nostalgic SNK fans might be able to appreciate Savage Reign
in some way, but there's no arguing that there were tons of better fighting
games to be spending your quarters on in 1995 arcades. Seriously,
"most" of the other new fighting games in 1995 just made Savage
Reign look silly.
I'll admit that the
"tribute" artwork SNK released around 15 years after the original
release (which you can find below) was pretty cool.
The sequel to Savage Reign, Kizuna Encounter, ended up being a slightly
better game (keyword = slightly).
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