developed his own form of martial art called Hitenryu Kung Fu.
While fighting on the streets to sharpen his skills, he was noticed by a movie
director and soon became an international sensation, appearing in a string of
action movies. After he became famous, he was noticed by the criminal
organization Shadaloo, which tried to forcibly recruit him, but he refused. After the second
Street Fighter tournament, Fei Long decided that he preferred the
real thing to the staged, choreographed fight scenes in movies, and gave up his
movie career. He is based on the late martial arts icon,
Bruce Lee.

Street Fighter 2 Turbo, Super
Street Fighter 2 Turbo: Revival, Super
Street Fighter 2 Turbo: HD Remix, Ultra
SF2, Street
Fighter Alpha 3, Street Fighter Alpha
3 Upper,
Street Fighter Alpha
3 Max,
Street Fighter
Alpha: Anthology, Street
Fighter: Anniversary Collection, SF:30th
Anniversary Collection, Street
Fighter 4, Super
Street Fighter 4, Super
Street Fighter 4: 3D Edition, Super Street Fighter 4:
Edition, Ultra Street Fighter 4, Card Fighters Clash,
Fighters Clash 2, Card
Fighters Clash DS
