A Boston terrier,
Iggy is a major character in Part III of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure,
Stardust Crusaders. Iggy, who possessed the powers of a Stand, was found by Mohammed
Avdol in the street slums of New York acting as the king of the stray dogs.
Only Avdol is able to come close to him, as ordinary dog catchers were attacked
by his Stand.
Iggy came to the
scene aboard a Speedwagon-sponsored helicopter in the middle of the desert.
being cocky and intrigued about their new partner, becomes the target of
the ferocity that Iggy is famous for, after disturbing his slumber. The
pilots and Avdol were only able
to control him because of one unlikely treat; a coffee-flavored chewing
gum. Because of how he attacked Polnareff, everyone, especially
had doubts if Iggy is a suitable companion. Their questioning grew deeper
when they were attacked by N'Dool in the middle of the desert. They misinterpreted
Iggy's pursuit of N'Dool's trail for cowardice.
Jotaro sported brutality
upon Iggy to make sure he wouldn't try to escape, but Iggy's real intentions
bring Jotaro to the enemy, and the eventual defeat of N'Dool. This earned
Iggy the trust of the group. Among Iggy's most noteworthy feats are defeating
Pet Shop, guardian of Dio Brando's mansion (but not not before losing one
of his paws to the stand user), and using his senses to track down Kenny
G. in the maze inside it, teaming up with Avdol. Iggy valiantly attacked
but was decimated by Vanilla Ice
while trying to defend Jean Pierre Polnareff.
