Also known as
"Shermie of the Savagely Crazed Flash of Lightning", Orochi Shermie is the Heavenly King
title of Shermie. This
alternate form of Chris first appeared in The King of Fighters '97
alongside Orochi Chris and Orochi Yashiro. It's
not known when Shermie realized she was a Heavenly King. At the end of the '97
tournament, Shermie, Chris, and Yashiro activate the Riot of the Blood within Leona
Heidern and Iori Yagami as a
part of their plan to resurrect Orochi.
When both Leona and Iori are defeated, the New Faces Team reveal themselves as
the Heavenly Kings and fight the player's team. When they are defeated, Shermie
and Yashiro commit suicide in order to transfer their remaining energy into
Chris, thus allowing Orochi to be resurrected back into the living world via
possessing Chris' body, but Orochi itself would later be sealed away by the
combined efforts of Iori, Kyo Kusanagi,
and Chizuru Kagura.
Due to Verse's actions
during the events of The King of Fighters XIV, it is confirmed that
Shermie, along with Yashiro and Chris have been brought back to life, despite
Chris himself being Orochi's vessel. Shermie is apparently one who has been
revived, along with her comrades Yashiro and Chris. As per her canonical
appearance in SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy, some aspects of her heritage
and this persona seeps into her normal form.
In KOF XV, they get the
shard described to be more powerful than Gaia itself, and sets in motion to end
mankind all at once. However, they end up in a pyrrhic victory where they (and
Goenitz) are the only living things remaining on the now-desolate Earth.
