Mika Nanakawa
wanted to become
a female pro wrestler in a Japanese pro wrestling circuit. To promote her image, she
decided to travel around
the world to fight worthy opponents, and to find her idol
Her trainer's name is Yoko Harmageddon and appears in some of R. Mika's win
poses. After the psycho drive was destroyed in SFA3, Mika made her
debut as a professional wrestler. In SFV, Mika fights alongside her tag-team
partner, Yamato Nadeshiko.

Updated: Sep. 24th, 2024
Rainbow Mika is the
one and only female wrestler of the Street Fighter series (besides her
partner, Nadeshiko, of course). R. Mika was undoubtedly one of the
most dynamic & interesting 2D fighting game characters at the time of her
debut in SFA3 (1998). She definitely made WWE Divas (back then) look like
jobbers. R. Mika has an awesome variety of grapple techniques, unique strikes
that other characters never had, and her famous
"flying butt attack" never fails to impress. She can even bring
a wrestling ring
into the midst of a fight (somehow - maybe Hugo
pushes the ring in for her?), just to leap onto it and slam her opponents
to the ground. Mika definitely brought the epic in SFA3 (if you knew how
to use her).
Mika is like a speedy,
dynamic Zangief... with way more tricks than that big bear ever had. As a SFA3
Mika main, seeing her epic return in SFV nearly brought a tear to my eye. Capcom
did a great job revamping her moveset, personality, and pretty much brought back
everything that made her great in the first place. However, for some reason, I
still like her more in SFA3.
Style / Moveset |
/ Charisma |
/ Appearance |
in series |
Score |
