Robo-Ky is a
robot created by Crow of the Postwar Administration Bureau, and was made to look
like Ky Kiske to fool people (good
luck with a face like that). His job is to gather data on people and kill
possible "nuisances." Robo-Ky started off as simply a palette swap of Ky
with faster moves,
but in later sequels, Robo Ky developed into his own personality and moveset.
During the
time of GGXX: Accent Core Plus, Crow sends Robo-Ky to different
missions, trying to send him to his destruction, while Robo-Ky seems to turn
crazier with the passing on time. He's destroyed by the new guard prototypes,
the Justice clones,
but the final result is the destruction of both. Free from Robo-Ky, Crow shows
his new prototypes, the "Robo-temkins". In the Story Mode for the
other characters, Robo-Ky appears as a guardian for the Bureau or as a crazy
robot that finds everybody to be "defective" minus the female
characters. Instead, he tries to turn them into his wives.
