Todoh is the creator
and main teacher of Todoh style karate, which derives its style from Aikido
and Kendo. Todoh had a long standing rivalry with disciples of the Kyokugenryu
school of karate and considers them a threat to his style of teaching in
terms of profits as well as personal animosity dating back to a rivalry
with Takuma Sakazaki when both
men were very young.
On his quest to find
his younger sister Yuri, who had been abducted by Mr.
Big under Geese Howard's orders,
Sakazaki blatantly attacked Todoh at his school and fought him to interrogate
him about the whereabouts of his sister. After Ryo easily defeated Todoh,
he was humiliated and saw his schools finances as well as his attendance
at his schools suffer.
After the loss, Todoh went into hiding and hasn't
been seen since. Because of his disappearance (Art of Fighting 3 timeline), his daughter Kasumi
went on a personal quest to not only try to look for her father, but to
gain revenge on Ryo and all Kyokugenryu disciples to try to reclaim her
family's honor.

Page Updated: Apr. 27th, 2020
Let's not underestimate Todoh. He is, of course, your first opponent in AOF (if you play against the CPU). Welcome to SNK fighting games. Todoh might've even been your first SNK opponent, if you didn't play the first Fatal Fury game. To non-Japanese
players, maybe they wondered, "Why am I fighting a dude in a dress?" Welcome to martial arts. Those are called Hakama, and they hide your opponent's footwork. Get used to learning new things! Todoh was a precursor for many authentic martial arts being represented in "fictional" fighting games. Thanks for the lessons Todoh. No doubt, he took many players' tokens at the arcades. He was a tough opponent! (Especially if the arcade manager set AOF's to difficulty HARD.) Visually, Todoh is a
"basic-looking" martial arts fighter... and I guess SNK decided he wasn't cool enough to return in AOF2/AOF3 - which is odd, because everyone else did. Poor Todoh. Considering some of the "new guys" SNK added in the sequels, I
actually kinda missed Todoh.
After his AOF debut, Todoh didn't make a playable appearance for many years. It actually seemed to be a running joke, as
SNK stuck him in many backgrounds of the KOF series (and other games). However, Todoh finally made his epic return in Capcom VS SNK 2 (and what a game to return to)! With Capcom's help, Todoh got the revamp he deserved. He looked awesome and was
charismatic as ever in CVS2, complete with great animations! Todoh, I'll be the first one to admit that you are underrated!
Style / Moveset |
/ Charisma |
/ Appearance |
in series |
Score |
