Capcom Vs. SNK 2: Mark of the Millennium 2001
The highly anticipated sequel to the original
Capcom VS SNK crossover, CVS2 stormed into arcades and
consoles in 2001. Capcom VS SNK 2 added a
generous amount of new characters from both companies, and didn't feel as much
like "King of Fighters VS Street Fighter" as the first game
did. Capcom VS SNK 2 branched out deeper into both universes,
bringing in personalities from more fan-favorite series, including: Samurai Shodown, Rival
Schools, Garou: Mark of The Wolves, The Last Blade and Final Fight. CVS2 also brought back the Capcom-style 6-button control scheme, giving all returning
CVS1 /
CVS: Pro characters new "mid" attacks (air/ground). This addition alone made the gameplay experience a huge improvement over the original.
Like the first game, CVS2 presents an amazing 2D art style (drawn by legendary Capcom & SNK artists, Kinu Nishimura & Shinkiro). For old school fighting game players, seeing these new takes on classic characters is worth the price of admission alone. CVS2 also presents a catchy new music style (awesome OST), interesting new stages
with 3D elements, and many more ways to play with a total Groove system overhaul. Most importantly, the gameplay and Groove system is a huge improvement over the prequel, making for a much more replayable and competitive fighting game over its predecessor.
vs. SNK 2 character selection screen.
In CVS2, there
are six different "Grooves" players choose from after selecting
characters (in the first game, only 2 were selectable). Each Groove is represented by a specific Capcom or SNK-style power gauge and has a
variety of unique mechanics inspired by those classic games. On Capcom's side, there's C-groove
(Street Fighter Alpha 3 A-ism style), A-groove (Street Fighter Alpha 3 V-ism style), and P-groove
(Street Fighter III style, enabling parrying). On the SNK side, players can choose from S-groove (KOF/AOF style), N-groove
(classic KOF style), or K-groove (Samurai Shodown style).
The cool thing is... any
character in the game can use any of the grooves, making for essentially limitless
possibilities and different gameplay strategies. (Of course, some are far more effective than others, but that's for long-term players to discover.) Even casual players can enjoy experimenting with different character / Groove combinations, meaning everyone can find a team and gameplay style that they enjoy using (perhaps far more than one).
Personally, my go-to Grooves in CVS2 are C-Groove (because I love SFA3) and P-Groove (because I love parrying).
= Revolutionary.
Watch me parry with Haohmaru.
While innovative, the Ratio System from CVS1 had flaws and was greatly improved upon. CVS2
introduces the "Free Ratio System," allowing players to assign ratio points to
their team of characters to choose who will be the strongest (and in which order). Basically, characters who are chosen to have the most ratio points will dish out higher damage and have more health. Like in CVS1, you still assign your points 2 + 2 (for a team of 2 characters), 1 +
3 also 2 characters), 1 + 1 + 2 (a team of 3 characters), or simply 4 (and fight
with a single all-powerful character).
Seriously, it's fun to experiment in this game.
The ratio system of CVS1 was very "restrictive"... but CVS2's
ratio system is the total opposite, making it hugely strategic element in the game. Feel more confident about 1 particular character in your team of three? Make that character ratio 2, with the other characters a ratio 1. Competitively, it works very well. However, if the ratio
system isn't to your liking for some reason, the home versions of CVS2 include a feature to disable the ratio system and offer a basic 3-vs-3 mode. Fair enough, but I personally think the ratio system makes CVS2 more fun. (I love seeing a proper 3-vs-1 ratio match, with that all-powerful single character holding their own!)
Epic boss
battles we all deserved. . . *STOMP* . . . Messatsu!
Capcom Vs. SNK 2's traditional-style 2D visuals are sharp, featuring beautifully drawn 2D sprites and decently rendered (mostly) 3D
backdrops. The stages offer decent variety... some are action packed with a
lot going on... others are more quiet and serene - a good mix. The BGM's are a somewhat weird mixture of R&B and
techno, but CVS2 definitely features some timeless, catchy tunes. The character voiceovers & sound
effects are top notch (some borrowed from CVS1), and while some characters have a laughable "Engrish" sound to their voice, all characters' personalities and charm come through.
The new characters introduced in CVS2 also represented exceptionally well, all around. Seeing fan-favorites like Haohmaru, Rock, Yun, Maki, Eagle, and Kyosuke make their CVS debut was definitely exciting for returning players. Clearly, the Capcom artists put a lot of
effort into making the SNK character sprites look as AWESOME as possible (and they certainly do). Additionally, returning CVS1 characters were given more of their classic moves and
combos (which were sadly missing in the first game), making them more fun to use in CVS2.
While CVS2 is a great competitive fighting game, it's not the most balanced. Any player who actually entered a CVS2 tournament would tell you that characters from
the Street Fighter Alpha series (like Sagat & Blanka) are overpowered (due to their
ridiculously long-reaching priority moves). Roll canceling and other "cheap" tactics can also overpower more technical aspects of the game in mid-to-high level matches, decreasing some of the fun. Nonetheless, ALL characters can be played effectively in CVS2... and
your success or failure can heavily depend on your chosen groove, and skill level. Whether you go for the cheap wins, or the more skill-based technical wins (AKA parrying / more difficult combos)... CVS2's Groove system allows you to play
the game exactly how you want to play it.
CVS2 was ahead of its time and still holds up as a solid fighting game
over a decade later.
Kyosuke &
Haohmaru... in the same game!?
The arcade version of Capcom VS
SNK 2 paved the way for some exceptional ports on Sega Dreamcast and PlayStation 2. The console ports include a Color Edit mode, allowing artistic players to create several their own color palettes for every character in the game. As an owner of both versions, I have to give the edge to the
Dreamcast version for slightly sharper and smoother graphics and a closer feel to
the arcade version.
Capcom Vs. SNK 2 was the first video game to feature
crossplay between Sega Dreamcast and PlayStation 2. This feature was exclusive to Japan. The matching service was provided by
KDDI. The Sega Dreamcast was the first video game console to include a built-in modem for Internet support and online play to make this possible. However, players on PS2 were required to
use a USB modem bundled with their copy of CVS2.
A year after the PS2 & Dreamcast release, a Gamecube
version of CVS2 titled Capcom VS SNK: EO was released. The "EO" stands
for "Easy Operation" which allows novice players to perform attacks
simply by moving the right analog stick in a particular direction. CVS2: EO also
removed the infamous Roll Cancel glitch found in earlier versions. CVS2: EO was
also released for Xbox, featuring online player and progressive-scan (480p)
Page Updated: |
14th, 2024
Developer(s): |
Publisher(s): |
Designer(s): |
Hideaki Itsuno (Director)
Toyohisa Tanabe (Pixel Art Supervisor)
by: |
Nishimura, Shinkiro
Platform(s): |
Arcade, Dreamcast, PlayStation 2, Gamecube, Xbox, PSN
Release Date(s): |
August 2001
Sept. 13th, 2001 PlayStation 2 / Dreamcast
Nov. 6th, 2001
PlayStation 2
Nov. 30th, 2001 PlayStation 2
July 4th, 2002
Aug. 30th, 2002 Gamecube
Sept. 23rd, 2002
Jan. 16th, 2003 Xbox
Feb. 11th, 2003 Xbox
7th, 2003 Xbox
September 2012 PSN
July 2013
Characters: |
E. Honda,
Terry Bogard,
Iori Yagami,
Kim Kaphwan,
Yamazaki, Vice,
Geese Howard,
Maki, Hibiki,
Rock, Todo,
Chang, Joe Higashi,
Athena Asamiya, Evil
Ryu, Orochi Iori, Shin Akuma,
God Rugal
Featured Video:
Related Games: |
Capcom Vs.
SNK: Millennium Fight 2000, Capcom Vs. SNK: Pro, SNK Vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium, SNK
Vs. Capcom Chaos, Capcom Fighting Collection 2,
Capcom Fighting Evolution, Card Fighters Clash, Card
Fighters Clash 2, Card Fighters
Clash DS, King
of Fighters '98, King of Fighters '99, KOF 2000,
KOF 2001, KOF 2002,
Marvel Vs. Capcom 2, Rival
Schools, Darkstalkers 3, Street
Fighter Alpha 3, SFA3: Upper, SFA3:
Max, Samurai Shodown, Fatal
Fury, Neo Geo Battle Coliseum, Tatsunoko
Vs. Capcom |
Gameplay Engine
9.0 / 10
Story / Theme
8.0 / 10
Overall Graphics
8.5 / 10
8.0 / 10
Music / Sound Effects
8.0 / 10
9.0 / 10
Art Direction
9.0 / 10
9.0 / 10
Options / Extras
8.0 / 10
Intro / Presentation
8.5 / 10
Replayability / Fun
9.0 / 10
"Ouch" Factor
8.0 / 10
9.5 / 10
8.9 /
Review based on Arcade / PS2 versions
Words: |
In the year 2000, I attended my first major fighting game tournament in Orlando, Florida at a huge standalone arcade called Rocky's Replay. I competed in CVS1 and MVC2. For me, it was an honor to play at the same tournament as the legendary Duc Do, who came all the way from California to attend
this hyped up event. Around 150+ players packed that arcade, hovered around only a few cabinets.
Seeing CVS1's release revitalize the fighting game scene, at that time, was something special. At the event, I remember talking with some friends from the SRK forums about how CVS1 "could be better". Long story short... it's like Capcom read our minds, because CVS2 not only fixed all the issues we had with the prequel, but we
got a far more customizable and playable fighting game beyond our wildest imaginations. In 2001, CVS2 really felt like "Capcom at its best"... alongside MVC2. 
Even in '01-'02, Capcom Vs. SNK 2 wasn't the most "flashy" or impressive-looking 2D fighter around. However, CVS2 has a strong foundation built around original 2D fighting game fundamentals that many of us in "The Fighters Generation" fell in love with in the early 90's. CVS2
innovated with a gameplay system that players could customize to their liking, against other players. Very few other fighting games offer this level of customization. The gameplay customization, the robust roster, and the honest & classic 2D gameplay make CVS2 a fighting game worth playing. As a lover of more "traditional" 2D
fighters, there's just so much to love about CVS2. As the theme song suggests, "This is true love-makin'!" 
While CVS2 is definitely fun in mid-to-high level play, I've heard many top players say or suggest "CVS2 is a mess" / "is broken" at the highest levels (AKA in tournaments). In a nutshell, pokes from characters like Sagat & Blanka are indeed overpowered... and
"easy to use" Grooves, simple combos, and poke-spam-friendly characters are commonly picked to dominate the rest of the roster (and arguably, some of the more fun / more technical, skill-based aspects)... come on guys, stop picking Sagat. There's also a technique / glitch called
"Roll Canceling," which allows players to easily dodge and
quickly counter, causing certain attacks to have unintended invulnerability. CVS2: EO on Gamecube fixed the roll cancel glitch (but most pros don't play on that version).
From an artistic standpoint, CVS2 is brilliant... with a gorgeous 2D sprite style looking its best, and stunning 2D illustrations by Kinu Nishimura & Shinkiro —
who were simply "showing off" as artists in CVS2. (The artwork still holds up to this day as some of the all-time best.)
In-game, CVS2's art style translates nicely alongside the "newer" 2D sprites made specifically for this series. On the flipside, the older
character sprites (ex: SFA3 / Darkstalkers) don't mesh as well, giving CVS2 an undeservingly dated look when those characters are onscreen. As far
as stages go, I wish there were more... and perhaps some classic,
reimagined backgrounds from past games, instead of only new environments.
CVS2's aesthetic imperfections and high-level gameplay exploits can easily be overlooked, because this is an 2D enjoyable fighting game on many levels. Overall, CVS2 is a mostly-honest and surprisingly deep 2D fighting game for players of all levels. Most of all, CVS2 is a "love letter" to those of us who grew up with Capcom & SNK fighting games in the late 80's / early 90's arcades.
A massive fan service... a timeless, epic crossover... CVS2 goes down in fighting game history as one of the greats. Worth mentioning, CVS2
deserves an HD online-enabled remake! Why not just add some characters and call it CVS2 Pro. Everyone would love it. Hey, C'mon C'mon Capcom... make it happen!
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