and Yang entered the Street Fighter tournament to show
off their skills in Kung-fu & Kenpo. They later
find and fight
Gill, who appreciates
their effort and grants them leadership of the town. They turned down his offer,
since they only fought him to stop his maniacal plans. They still run the
restaurant, probably
Gen's former "Genhanten". It seems the two girls Hoimei and Shaomei are in love with
them. Yun & Yang were only relatives to their long-lost uncle Lee
who fought in the first World Tournament (his whereabouts after that was unknown
but he did request Gen to train them).

Fighter III: 2nd Impact, Street
Fighter III: 3rd Strike, Street
Fighter III: 3rd Strike Online Edition, Super
Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition, Ultra
Street Fighter 4, Street
Fighter Alpha 3: Upper, Street
Fighter Alpha 3 Max, Street
Fighter: Anniversary Collection, Capcom Vs. SNK
2, Capcom Fighting Evolution, SNK
Vs. Capcom: Card
Fighters Clash, Card Fighters
Clash 2, Card Fighter
Clash DS
