
"Shinkiro" Mori was born December
14, 1962. He started working for SNK in the early 90's as an illustrator and conceptual artist. Shinkiro created character
designs and many cover illustrations for a wide variety of NeoGeo games, including: Art of Fighting, The King
of Fighters 94-2000, Samurai Shodown, Fatal Fury, Metal Slug,
Last Blade, etc.
Shinkiro was laid off in the year 2000
due to SNK's bankruptcy and was almost immediately thereafter employed
by Capcom! He began doing cover art for a wide variety of Capcom titles,
including: Capcom VS SNK series, Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom, Marvel Vs. Capcom 3,
Resident Evil: Dead Aim, Dino
Stalker, Final Fight One, Super Ghouls
'n Ghosts, Dead Rising, and Devil May Cry 5. Shinkiro has also done cover art for American comics such as
Spider-Man Unlimited and UDON's Street Fighter comic series.

Shinkiro's art style is immediately recognizable due to the "realistic" airbrush technique Shinkiro uses when drawing
characters. Shinkiro has used this photo-realistic style to create individual character artworks, as well as group posters & collages, while also experimenting with different coloring techniques such as cel-shading. A face drawn by Shinkiro has always been easily recognizable, as he uses the same general format/shape for drawing most male and female
characters. However, Shinkiro has demonstrated how dynamic he can be by illustrating incredibly realistic-looking monsters, dragons, effects, and backgrounds with ease.
Harumaru is a female
artist who worked at Capcom from 1998-2000. She is famed for being the
lead artist of the hit 2D action side-scrolling title, Strider 2. Since
she was 15 years old, Harumaru sent fan artwork to various video game
and anime magazines —
which eventually lead to her being hired by Capcom as the lead artist
for Strider 2. For Hiryu's design in Strider 2, Harumaru took advice
from fellow Capcom artist, Shoei, who described Hiryu as a
"crazy-style" protagonist who would fulfill any assigned

Harumaru was not only responsible for Strider Hiryu's character design and concept artwork in Strider 2, but she also illustrated the beautiful story mode cutscenes (above), ending sequences, and helped design many other characters who appear in the game.
Harumaru also created a variety of promotional character illustrations and poster artwork for a variety of hit Capcom fighting games, including: Street Fighter Alpha 3, Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike, Project Justice, and Capcom Vs. SNK.
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