Ogura began working for SNK in 1996. Ogura was the main character
illustrator for NEOGEO Battle Coliseum and the Fatal Fury
15th anniversary special Garou Densetsu ~ Memories of Stray Wolves.
Ogura-san also drew character artwork and key illustrations for The King of
Fighters XI, XII, XIII, XIV, SNK Vs. Capcom Chaos, Card
Fighters Clash DS and did cover artworks for SNK's
"Anthology" re-releases for Samurai Shodown, Fatal
Fury, Art of Fighting, World Heroes, Fu'un Super Combo, and others.
Social Media Links:
Facebook: Eisuke Ogura

Eisuke Ogura is known for his incredible attention to detail in his artwork. Ogura's art style is easily recognizabl
e for its realistic character anatomy, dynamic poses, high contrast / shading, and excellent use of colors. Along with HIROAKI, Ogura visually brought in a "new era" of KOF, revitalizing the image of the series. His take on several classic SNK franchises also
revived the spirit of those classic games.

Tatsuhiko Kanaoka, better known by his pen name "Falcoon", is a Japanese artist
who worked for SNK Playmore. He has done artwork for many iterations of King of Fighters and has been involved in various SNK projects since 1998.
After graduating from Kyoto Seika University, Falcoon
began as a fan-artist doing renditions of different company games, such
as: Street Fighter, The King of Fighters, and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
From there, he grew a strong fan base on the internet, which SNK took note of.
His first major project was designing the cards for Card Fighters Clash
and artwork for SNK Vs. Capcom: Match of the Millennium. Falcoon was
also behind character artwork & costume design
in The King of Fighters 2003 & The King of Fighters: Maximum Impact
Social Media Links:
Twitter: @Falcoon_Master


his trademark character poses, sharp lines, interesting anatomy & proportions, bright colors, and superb clothing detail, Falcoon's character illustrations never fail to stands out and grab your attention! As you can see (above), Falcoon has drawn a wide variety characters
from many different franchises in his one-of-a-kind art
style. In 2017-2018, Falcoon returned to his "chibi" style
of artwork to create character illustrations for various SNK-themed mobile titles.