

Takuji Kawano is Namco's premier 2D artist. He was a character designer for TEKKEN 3, TEKKEN 4, TEKKEN Tag Tournament, and Urban Reign. Kawano-san created the vibrant character artwork in Namco X Capcom, SoulCalibur 2, SoulCalibur 3, SoulCalibur 4, SoulCalibur 5, and Soul Calibur 6. Kawano has a natural sense for proportions and shows great versatility
in his character anatomy, as he's able to portray beautifully soft (yet strong) females and masculine male characters. The finer details of his illustrations such as clothing, armor, and "movement" make his dynamic art style truly one-of-a-kind.

his artwork, Kawano has redefined and brilliantly captured the personality of
all of Namco's most famous fighting game characters, as well as a handful
Capcom characters and other popular video game icons.
I'm convinced he can draw pretty much any character and make them look
spectacular. For Namco X Capcom, Kawano even made the original Dug Dug (1982) hero
look like a total badass!