Master's: Hao Ninpo Cho

Ninja Master's focus is on the main
character Sasuke, whom is on a quest to kill Lord Nobunaga and end his reign of
terror and war.
Master's character select screen.
Ninja Master's: Hao Ninpo Cho (roughly
translated as "Ninja Master's: Scrolls of the Supreme Ninja Arts)
was developed by ADK and released for the NeoGeo on June 28th, 1996. Ninja
Master's is one of the more
"sleeper" fighting games to come out for the Neo Geo. With a
comparable theme to SNK's hit weapon-based 2D fighting game series, Samurai Shodown, it would seem ADK
set out to attract the same audience with
Ninja Master's. Most of the characters of in Ninja Master's are
based on real historical figures of Japan, which is interesting at first glance.
Also, at first glance... ADK couldn't manage to spell the game's title with
correct punctuation and randomly put an apostrophe in the title. Whose fault was
I think it was... Ninja Master's.
backgrounds... "skinny" characters.
Some would say Ninja Master's
is yet another "me too" 2D fighter in the mid 90's... but there might
be enough unique content in Ninja Master's to warrant more attention than
other "copy-paste" fighters attempting to ride the coattails of the
successful games that came before them. In fairness, Ninja Master's
offers a pretty innovative gameplay element. The characters in Ninja Master's
have the option to fight bare handed, or draw their weapon. It's a cool
idea on paper, and was one of the first games to implement this particular
gameplay nuance.
The gameplay system of Ninja Master's is pretty traditional for a 2D
fighter, which doesn't have to be a bad thing. The animation / action onscreen
isn't nearly as exciting as other fighters, but passable. While Ninja Master's
offers some semi-decent-looking environments, the characters are probably the
game's weakest attribute. There a few cool character designs here and there, the
overall roster lacks flash and excitement... there isn't much here that hasn't
been done before (and done better).
doin' sponsor work for the ADK CORPORATION.
At a glance, some of the
characters almost seem like generic "baddies" straight out of a 90's
beat-em-up title.
One could suggest that the dev-team was going for a "more realistic"
twist on the weapon-based genre, but sadly, the movesets of the characters also
come up pretty bland. The characters sprites themselves are noticeably
"skinny" and small on-screen... yet another negative contrast to the
brighter and larger sprites of the top 2D fighters in 1996 (and years earlier).
If this game was released 3 years earlier, it might've stood more of a chance.
Ninja Master's claim to fame gameplay gimmick of "drawing a
weapon" just wasn't enough to allow the game to stand out in the crowded
1996 arcades. Any fighting game connoisseur of the mid 90's could name at
least 10 games that were far superior to Ninja
Master's graphically and gameplay-wise. In fairness, ADK did put some
"heart" into this title if you look close. Good try, ADK. Good try.
(But there's a reason ADK stopped making games, just putting that out there.) 
Page Updated: |
2nd, 2024 |
Developer(s): |
Publisher(s): |
Designer(s): |
Shibata |
By: |
Hakamata |
Platform(s): |
Neo Geo,
Wii Virtual Console, PS2, PS4 (PSN)
Release Date(s): |
28th, 1996 NeoGeo
Dec. 18th, 2008 PS2 - in ADK
March 1st, 2017
PS4 / PSN -
in ADK Damashii |
Characters: |
Raiga, Ranmaru,
Featured Video:
Related Games: |
Samurai Shodown 4, The Last
Blade, Aggressors
of Dark Kombat, World Heroes, World Heroes Perfect, Art of Fighting 3, King
of Fighters '96, Savage Reign, Kizuna
Encounter, Power Instinct, Aggressors
of Dark Kombat, Mortal Kombat Trilogy, Street
Fighter EX, Street Fighter Alpha 2, X-Men
Vs. Street Fighter, Golden Axe: The Duel,
Soul Blade, Galaxy
Fight, Martial Masters
5.5 / 10
/ Theme
5.0 / 10
6.5 / 10
5.5 / 10
/ Sound Effects
6.0 / 10
6.5 / 10
Art Direction
6.0 / 10
3.0 / 10
Options / Extras
3.0 / 10
Intro / Presentation
7.0 / 10
Replayability / Fun
4.0 / 10
"Ouch" Factor
4.0 / 10
5.0 / 10
Review based on Arcade
Words: |
With groundbreaking 2D fighting games like Samurai
Shodown 4, Street Fighter Alpha 2 and X-Men VS Street Fighter blowing up
the arcade scene in 1996... let's just say it was difficult to be "drawn
in" by Ninja Master's. Also, 2D fighter dudes, let's not forget 1996 was the year
Soul Blade released on PS1. Another hugely influential title. I suppose if you didn't acknowledge or play
the aforementioned games, perhaps you might've been far more impressed by
Ninja Master's than I was.
Objectively, Ninja Master's
isn't a completely terrible game,
from its most flattering angle, but it certainly doesn't hold a candle to any Samurai Shodown title of the era... and there's 4 great games to pick from in 1996, so pick one.
Not to mention, The Last Blade was released less than a year after Ninja
Master's... again demonstrating the inferiority of this game. "But 5.2
is pretty low, Frank... is the game that bad?" No. Not really. It's just wack. Honestly,
after playing many other 1995-1996 fighting games,
it's preeeeetty tough to be impressed by Ninja Master's... on any level. Most importantly, Ninja Master's gameplay lacks snap, speed, and fun factor.
The basic theme of Ninja Master's is definitely cool... I've loved
the idea of "Ninja Vs. Samurai" ever since I was a kid.
Speaking of which, I could've come up with a better title for a game than "Ninja Masters"
when I was 9 years old. (And I would've used correct punctuation, I hope.) This game actually gave me legit flashbacks of seeing "cheap
knock-off" ninja action figures when my mom used to take me to random dollar stores.
That's what some of the characters of Ninja Master's remind me of...
dollar store knockoffs.
Alright, I've had my fun. I'll stop picking on this game now. "The backgrounds are pretty at least."
In retrospect, if you're a fan
of weapon-based 2D fighting games and/or samurai and shinobi... I suppose you can find something
to appreciate about Ninja Master's. But there's certainly nothing in this game
that you can't get in
SNK's Last Blade or Samurai Shodown. If you've never
played Ninja Master's, you're not missing too much.
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