World Heroes 2 Jet

STORY:  The tournament to decide the strongest warrior in history is about to unfold in for five days... However, a behind the tournament's scenes lies a dark shadow. The heroes involved in the tournament remain unaware of its involvement. Just who is the one responsible for these tournaments? And who is the true identity of the person lurking in the shadows? The Heroes Battle continues!! Will you be the last one standing!?

World Heroes 2 Jet character selection screen.

REVIEW:  The third installment of the series, World Heroes 2 Jet introduces two new selectable fighters: Jack & Ryofu. Additionally, a brand new final boss, Zues, awaits players at the end of arcade mode. As you can tell from the screenshots above and below, the game features new character artwork and stages, but the returning character sprites remain the same. Worth mentioning, art style in World Heroes 2 Jet's promotional artwork is definitely an improvement over the prequels.

The "USA stage" is a must in any 90s fighting game.

One of the most notable gameplay changes in World Heroes Jet is the speed. Previously, the World Heroes series was known for its slow (and kinda clunky) gameplay. That said, World Heroes Jet is definitely the best of the series to date when it comes to the feel of the gameplay, but the game still doesn't offer much in the way of "unique" to the fighting genre at the end of the day. The 2 new characters and slight gameplay adjustments aren't quite enough to bring the World Heroes series up to speed with the top fighting games of the time. In my opinion, WH2 Jet just feels kinda old and played out after playing many other fighting games of the era.

"Wanna-Be-Sho-Ryu-Ken!"   ~Hanzou

On the bright side, World Heroes 2 Jet is definitely best-looking title of the series to date, with colorful new backgrounds and new character artwork (in-game and on promotional posters / cover art). Returning characters were given a couple new moves, animations, and pre-fight introductions... which at least helped keep some of the designs fresh and entertaining. Just over a year after World Heroes 2 Jet was released, ADK released the final installment to the series: World Heroes Perfect.

The ultra bright visuals and backgrounds hurt my eyes at times.


Page Updated: June 15th, 2024
Developer(s): ADK  (assisted by SNK)
Publisher(s): ADK,  SNK,  Takara  (Game Boy)
Designer(s): Kazou Arai
Platform(s): Neo Geo, Neo Geo CD, Game Boy, PS4
Release Date(s): April 26th, 1994
Characters Hanzou, Fuuma, Dragon, Janne, J.Carn, Muscle Power, Brocken, Rasputin, Mudman, Ryoko, J. Max, Erik, Shura, Captain Kidd, Ryofu, Jack, Zeus

Featured Video:

Related Games: World Heroes, World Heroes 2, World Heroes Perfect, Aggressors of Dark Kombat, Ninja Master's, Fighters History Dynamite, Darkstalkers, Killer Instinct, King of Fighters '94, Primal Rage, Samurai Shodown 2, Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo, X-Men: Children of the Atom

Gameplay Engine  5.0 / 10
Story / Theme  4.5 / 10
Overall Graphics  5.0 / 10
Animation  4.5 / 10
Music / Sound Effects  6.0 / 10
Innovation  4.0 / 10
Art Direction  6.5 / 10
Customization  3.0 / 10
Intro / Presentation  4.5 / 10
Replayability / Fun  3.0 / 10
"Ouch" Factor  2.0 / 10
Characters  5.0 / 10

 5.3 / 10

 Review based on Arcade version    


Final Words:

It was a long time ago. World Heroes Jet was an improvement over the prequels, but the game was still lagging behind the competition in more ways than one. Considering the steep competition of the fighting genre in 1994, it's not difficult to see why World Heroes failed to obtain long-term success in the genre.

Simply put, the gameplay, character designs, and presentation fall short of other fighters from the time period. However, World Heroes remains an obscure 2D fighting game which certain old school gamers might still get some enjoyment out of... but one can't deny there were definitely better fighting games to be playing and mastering in the mid 90's.

~TFG Webmaster | @Fighters_Gen


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