Billy Kane

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Billy Kane his sister (Lily) grew up as orphans in London, England. His family name Kane is meant to be pronounced "Billy Kon" or "Kaan". When Geese Howard was on a business trip in England, he was impressed with Billy's skill with the staff and eventually picked him up as his right-hand man. Armed with a three-sectioned special staff, Billy met the young Terry Bogard and was defeated. Some years later, he entered KOF together with Eiji and Iori, but was thrashed up by the latter after their defeat. Eager to get his revenge, he went with Yamazaki and Blue Mary to investigate the Orochi power for Geese. Soon thereafter, Geese was killed and Billy was left in charge. 

After his Geese's apparent death, Billy went back to England with his sister. In order to adequately provide for her, Billy continued his life of crime and joined Wolfgang Krauser. Although it seemed like he was loyal to the nobleman, Billy was actually working undercover to search and destroy Geese's impostor. His additional order was to overthrow Krauser.
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Fatal Fury

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Fatal Fury 2, Fatal Fury Special, Real bout Fatal Fury, Real Bout Fatal Fury Special, Real Bout Special: Dominated Mind, Real Bout Fatal Fury 2, Fatal Fury: 1st Contact, Fatal Fury Wild Ambition, Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves, King of Fighters '95, King of Fighters '97, King of Fighters '98, KOF '98: Ultimate Match, King of Fighters 2002, KOF: 2002 Unlimited Match, King of Fighters 2003, King of Fighters XIII, King of Fighters XIV, King of Fighters XV, King of Fighters: Maximum Impact 2, King of Fighters: Maximum Impact Regulation A, SNK Vs. Capcom: Card Fighters Clash, Card Fighters Clash 2, Card Fighters Clash DS

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Page Updated:  Feb. 23rd, 2025

Billy started off as a cool & straight-forward design in the first Fatal Fury and KOF (geez... he's been around for a while)! As a fellow staff user, I always appreciated some aspects of Billy's moveset - but he's got some crazy unrealistic moves too (albeit entertaining). SNK did a good job fleshing him out and keeping him interesting in various sequels. Billy's personality was always a strong point of his design, and a few notches above others from his game. Billy's costume designs were never "great" IMO... but his hardcore look works for him (and his metal theme songs always rock). Billy's KOF 2003 design is probably my favorite.

While I think Billy's fighting style could be better, he hits cool poses and has 'interesting' technique. On the flipside, Billy also has some particularly "annoying" aspects about in his moveset in many games - making him a pain to fight against in some situations. While Billy's 3-secion staff skills are cool, his traditional staff tech isn't quite at the level of Kilik. The dude ain't no traditional martial artist! (He prolly' says ain't too. lol.)
In closing, it's also kinda cool Billy stands for a positive message (on the jacket)... "No smoking!". Remember kids... "Winners don't use drugs"! (But is that even true?) >_>

Fighting  Style  /  Moveset
Personality  /  Charisma
Outfit(s)  /  Appearance
Effectiveness  in  series
Overall Score


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