King of Fighters XIII

of Fighters XIII takes place after KOF XI and is the final title of
the third story arc which began in The King of Fighters 2003. Ash Crimson has absorbed the powers from two of the descendants of the
clans, Chizuru Kagura and Iori Yagami, who sealed the Orochi away 1,800 years ago, while Kyo Kusanagi is to be his last victim. As his former comrade,
Elisabeth Blanctorche, prepares to stop him, fighters receive an invitation to
another King of Fighters tournament hosted by a person labeled as
"R". The tournament is sponsored by Rose who is being controlled by
"Those From The Past", the organization behind the two previous
tournaments that has been trying to break Orochi's seal.
At the end of the story, Saiki, the leader of "Those From The Past" puts his work into motion.
Saiki intends to use the energy expended by the winning team to enable him to
cross time. However, as the fight rages, Botan notes that the gate that links
them to the past is starting to close. Before Saiki can act, Ash Crimson
ambushes him and steals his power. While Ash was enlisted by Saiki to obtain the Three Sacred Treasures to power
the time gate, he had no intention of helping Saiki. Suddenly, Ash is overtaken
by Saiki's persona, who then attempts to cross the time gate in Ash's body. The
winning team pursues him into the time gate and the final battle of KOF XIII begins. Saiki is defeated in the gate but
persists on crossing over to the past, believing it means nothing since he can
return to the past and cross the gate again to attempt his plan anew.
However, Ash stops him and allows the gate to close, leaving Saiki
trapped in the present. Ash then reveals that he is a descendant of
Saiki. By locking Saiki out of the gate, he denies Saiki's existence in the past
and forces his own existence to cease. As Ash vanishes from the living world,
the flow of time resumes.
King of Fighters XIII character selection screen.
and honest" 2D fighters are far and few between these days. The genre's
progressive shift to 3D graphics has brought along some positive aspects, but
many fighting game fans will forever have a special place in their heart reserved
through-and-through 2D fighters. In recent years, titles like Blazblue and Arcana
Heart have successfully kept the "2D look" alive, and offer
unique gameplay experiences in their own right. While those games appeal to a
niche audience, the majority of traditional 2D fighting game players would
probably tell you those games are a bit too "off-the-wall"...
"floaty"... or "air-dash-happy" for
their tastes.
That's where KOF comes in.
Leave it to SNK, a company that still includes some of the original pioneers of the genre, to
create a new age, yet traditional 2D fighting game that looks and plays
amazing. 2009's King of Fighters XII presented a catchy new art style and
awesomely-detailed high-res 2D sprites. Unfortunately, the gameplay, character roster, and presentation
all fell short in the prequel.
of Fighters XIII improves upon the KOF XII graphics engine, using the
Taito Type X2 arcade board like
its predecessor.
In addition to the 22 returning fighters from XII, KOF XIII brings back
an assortment of recognizable faces, including: Mai, Yuri, Takuma, Vice, Maxima,
and one of the series' most prominent badasses, K'. There are even a few console-exclusive
fighters (some DLC),
such as: Billy Kane, "Classic" Iori Yagami, NESTS Kyo, Mr. Karate and Human Saiki. All
together, KOF XIII boasts an impressive roster of over 30 (hand-drawn) fighters, offering
great variety.
of the best-looking 2D sprites ever made!
The console version features a nice variety of game modes, including: Story,
Tutorial, Mission (complete with Survival, Time Attack & Trials), Online,
Customize, Replay, and Gallery. As I kind of expected, the storyline revolves around an
unfamiliar cast of odd,
feminine male characters and is a bit sleepy overall. The high point would be the ultra
high-res artwork and the short-but-sweet animated cut scenes. Story Mode is a little hard to follow,
but allows players to make a few selections which alter the events in the storyline. It's also
kinda cool
that you have to use the default teams in Story Mode, which make for some entertaining pre-fight interactions between teams.
Even if Story Mode puts you to sleep, SNK packed a ton of fan service into KOF
XIII. For starters, unique pre-fight conversations before every possible
character match-up in the game!
This technique
was formerly seen in 2003's SNK VS Capcom: Chaos, but is executed better in KOF XIII. There's a ton of character-to-character dialogue to
enjoy, and not only before the fight, but after the fight as well. The dialogue
for when two of the same character are onscreen is especially
entertaining. Some
of these "mini conversations" are clever, others are chuckle-inducing,
and a few are just kinda awkward. Nonetheless, this element equates to a ton of dialogue
per character, which really allows their personalities to shine. It's an effect
that so few fighting games these days bother with, but is surely
appreciated by fans of these iconic characters.
looks revamped and awesome in KOF XIII.
Most importantly, KOF XIII's momentum-based gameplay brings back many of the elements
that made it stand out in the past, but expands upon them exponentially. In
addition to improving the gameplay speed, the
combo system has been completely redone from KOF XII, and let me tell you, there are
some INSANE and very hard-hitting combos in this game. While anyone can
enjoy the game casually, mastering the deeper system mechanics like Hyperdrive
Mode, Hyperdrive Cancels and MAX Cancels may even take seasoned players a while
to wrap their heads around. To get you acquainted with the gameplay system, SNK included Tutorial and
Mission Mode, which are designed as intuitively as you would hope. Mission Mode
features 10 combos per character, many of which are very
challenging. On that note, unless you're some kind of input genius... the more
advanced combos KOF XIII's Mission Mode will probably make you feel like
you suck at the game.
And that's not good for new players.
To sum up some of KOF XIII's gameplay features.... Special moves now have
"normal" and "EX" versions. The EX specials cost a small
amount of the power gauge and can add extra hits, boost attack speed, and/or add
an extra frame of invincibility! A new gameplay feature is the Triple
Cancel, which allows players to unlimitedly cancel their character's
moves. The Triple Cancel is dependent on the Hyper Drive Gauge, a
three-tier gauge which gradually drains as the fighters cancel their moves. When
a fighter is in Hyper Drive Mode and has three power stocks, they can perform a
powerful technique known as a Neo Max Desperation Move. Players can
also link a Neo Max technique into a combo, called MAX Cancel, which usually
results in a huge, screen-filling super move! Flashy stuff...
If there's any flaw with KOF XIII's gameplay, I'd say its the overly
input-heavy combo chains. They're just too difficult for the game's own good.
As with any fighter, playing through Arcade Mode is sometimes the best way to
get you acquainted with the gameplay at first. In addition to the character interactions,
KOF XIII's Arcade Mode offers something else that is very unique. When fighting against a computer opponent, players are challenged to
complete a random objective during stages, or Target Actions. Completing these
tasks can award bonus points at the scoring screen. Meeting certain conditions
can also reward players the next round by filling up their power gauge or Hyper
Drive Gauge. Objectives include goals such as completing a certain amount of
hits within one combo, successfully hitting the opponent with a desperation
technique (including EX and Neo Max desperation moves or specials), or being
asked to perform a certain attack within 10 seconds.
The Women's Team
returns... and is hotter than ever! <3
Not only does the console port feature a greater selection of character
colors over the arcade version, but also contains a full-fledged and simply brilliant Customization
Mode. KOF XIII's Color
Edit/Customize Mode is the most elaborate mode of its kind to date (in a 2D
fighter) and
offers tons of options (especially after downloading the extra colors
artists broke down the character sprites in such a way that you can
edit practically any part of them that you desire! It's designed so well, in fact, that you can
actually remove
or add certain clothing items to some characters. On top of the 10 default
colors, you can save up to 5 different color edits per character, which is
pretty generous. Additionally, several "head swaps" are also available
for certain fighters (and also are fully customizable). Also worth mentioning is
that you can even have Kyo wear
his original '94 jacket! Epic fan service.
An actual alternate costume for a 2D fighting game
character? I haven't seen that since the X-Men VS Street Fighter days.
In typical KOF fashion, the end boss is ridiculously, disturbingly, and
insultingly overpowered. Screen-filling bullshit super moves and throw spamming
ftw! Aside
from being a total asshole jerk, the end boss, Saiki, is also a pretty lame design if
you ask me. However, as with any fighting game, there's no reason to hate on the
entire game just because of the cheap-ass boss. Thankfully, the boss actually has an alternate
"human" version which is a cooler (and fairer) alternative for casual
If you haven't figured it out yet, King of Fighters XIII is an incredibly
game. The character sprites appear "smaller" onscreen than their XII
but haven't lost any detail. The high quality of the large character
sprites are complimented with some incredibly smooth animations that rival the
best of the 2D fighting genre. Every frame of animation seems to have purpose
behind it, and most moves look as painful as they should when they
connect. Returning characters from KOF XII have also received some brand
new animations (not to mention entirely new super moves), all of which looking badass. Worth mentioning, most characters only
have one win animation, unfortunately, but considering KOF XIII's
competition, it's not a big deal. However, I will say that it would've been much
appreciated if SNK gave their
characters a few more taunt & win animations (like the old days) to flesh out those
personalities even more.
Many returning characters have certainly seen their best days in this
installment, and feature some pretty deep movesets for 2D fighting game
characters. The 8 new hand-drawn stages are all graphically impressive, and
returning KOF XII stages have been updated with new elements. Old school KOF fans
can also appreciate several character cameos in some of the backgrounds, and a
variety of "classic" King of Fighters stages, all re-imagined
in gorgeous HD visuals. Did I mention the game runs in 1080p? 2D eye candy to the
A pure 2D fighting game like KOF
XIII will always have a certain "magic" that cannot be obtained
with 3D graphics. I highly prefer KOF XIII's visuals to SF4's any
day of the week. King of Fighters XIII is a work of art in motion.
Page Updated: |
20th, 2025
Developer(s): |
Playmore |
Publisher(s): |
SNK Playmore, Atlus
Rising Star Games  |
by: |
Ogura, Nona
Platform(s): |
PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, PC, iOS, Nintendo Switch |
Release Date(s): |
14th, 2010
Nov. 22nd, 2011
Nov. 25th, 2011
Dec. 1st, 2011 PS3/360
Apr. 26th, 2012
Arcade -
KOF XIII: Climax
Sept. 12th, 2013
Arcade -
KOF XIII: Final Climax
Sept. 13th, 2013
Steam - KOF XIII: Steam Edition
Nov. 16th, 2023
PS4/Switch - KOF XIII: Global Match
Feb. 20th, 2025
Steam - KOF XIII: Global Match |
Characters: |
Ash, K',
Shen Woo, Leona,
Elizabeth, Takuma,
Mature, Vice,
Mai, King,
Yuri, Maxima,
Kula, Hwa
Jai, Saiki, Dark
Ash, Billy Kane |
Featured Video:
Related Games: |
King of Fighters XII,
KOF XV, KOF XI, KOF '94, KOF '94: Re-bout,
KOF '95,
KOF '96, KOF '97, KOF
'98, KOF '98 Ultimate Match, KOF '99, KOF 2000, KOF 2001, KOF 2002, KOF 2002
Unlimited Match, KOF 2003, KOF:
Maximum Impact, KOF:
Maximum Impact MANIAX, KOF:
Maximum Impact 2, KOF: Maximum Impact
Regulation A, KOF: Neowave, KOF EX Neo Blood,
KOF EX2 Howling Blood,
R1, KOF R2, KOF Collection: Orochi Saga
, Blazblue: Continuum Shift Extend, Arcana
Heart 3, Persona 4 Arena, Super
Street Fighter 4:
Arcade Edition, Street Fighter X Tekken, Yatagarasu,
Dou Zhi Wang, Chaos Code, Under
Night In-Birth |
9.0 / 10
/ Theme
8.0 / 10
9.5 / 10
9.0 / 10
/ Sound Effects
9.0 / 10
8.0 / 10
Art Direction
9.0 / 10
10 / 10
Options / Extras
8.0 / 10
Intro / Presentation
8.5 / 10
Replayability / Fun
8.0 / 10
"Ouch" Factor
8.0 / 10
9.0 / 10
Review based on PS3 version
Words: |
really enjoyed KOF 12's art style and graphics, but the game itself
ended up being a let down. As
I had hoped, KOF
is a massive improvement over its predecessor and, in my opinion, is
pound for pound the best King of
Fighters game in quite some time. KOF XIII is also the most
enjoyable "new age" 2D fighter I've played in recent times. A pure 2D fighter without
hybrids, 17 variations of anime girl archetypes, or ice-surfboard-riding assholes? Sign me
I grew up playing Street Fighter in the 90's, and KOF
was always an entertaining diversion from the mainstream, but never truly overthrew its competition. These days, it seems that Capcom's 2D ambitions are a thing
of the past, which is disappointing considering the recent possibilities (SF X Tekken anyone?). With KOF XIII, SNK proudly demonstrated that
a "pure" 2D fighting game can still be competitive, successful, and
look awesome in this day and age. Without a doubt, KOF XIII gives all current 2D fighters a run for their money.
I really enjoy KOF XIII's core gameplay mechanics. Rolling, small
jumps, a variety of ways to cancel, huge super moves, and straightforward 2D
gameplay.... I love it. The deeper mechanics are a little intimidating
at first, but effectively manage to add another layer of gameplay for the
experts. Some of the lengthy corner juggles possible in the game are a bit ridiculous, and
may put off some potential players. Thankfully, those juggles are
really tough to perform and require a ton of meter. On that note, the meter system
is pretty cool also. I like how KOF XIII allows you to play how you want. Use meter for EX moves and cancels? Or save it up for one huge super move?
Decisions... decisions.
One thing I didn't mention in the main review... the music. KOF
XIII's soundtrack might be one of the best, if not the best, in the series
history. The harmonious, emotional guitar riffs ride a befitting
intense pace, as each track seems to tell a story. Not many songs (in any
genre of music) can make me want to play air guitar... but there are quite a
few that do the trick in KOF XIII.
Tracks that represent my description would include: "Each Promise",
"Esaka Continues", "KD-0063", and several others. Then
there's that sexy track known as "Arashi No Saxophone 5" (Yagami
Team Theme) that oozes classy style and makes you want to kick someone's ass
while wearing a tuxedo and then beat them over the head with a saxophone.
Yeah. It's brilliant, timeless stuff.
Not many fighting games can pull off "cool" quite like KOF. Most of
the character designs have stood the test of time, and still manage to
offer something unique in the genre. The iconic, stylish SNK fighters and
their flamboyant, "Japanese" mannerisms have never looked hotter. KOF
XIII's character
roster is solid, and I hope SNK continues the series further. I'd love to see some more fan
favorites cross over to this awesome engine. Who would I want to see in KOF XIV?
Yamazaki, Rock Howard, Gato, Tizoc, Geese, and Vanessa!
Now that would make a badass character roster. Keep it up SNK... us old
school fighters will support you till the end!
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