Rolento is a former
member of a special forces unit known as The Red Berets. He is highly trained
in special military martial arts and using a baton in combat. After joining
Mad Gear, Rolento is put in charge of the armory-producing plants in Metro
City's industrial area. After the fall of Mad Gear, he
tries to create
his own nation by laying siege on Metro City with his private army, but
he eventually fails. After
being defeated by Guy, he gains a scar on his face caused by a shuriken thrown
by Guy. Holly Wood and El
Gado are the primary foot soldiers in Rolento's army, and were both
trained by Rolento himself. El Gado and Holly Wood are both highly trained in
knife combat and have a special technique known as the "Jumping Knife
Rolento made his first
appearance as fourth stage's boss in the arcade version of Final Fight.
However, the fourth stage was excluded from the SNES version of Final Fight
due to space constraints. Because of this, the Capcom decided to include
him in Final Fight 2 as the boss of the fifth stage, Italy.

Before the events of Street Fighter Alpha 2, Rolento decides he is no
longer content with being a lackey for Mad Gear, and sought to create his own
utopian nation. After Rolento leaves Mad Gear, Sodom
tries to convince him to rejoin, but Rolento refuses. Rolento also encounters
Guy during SFA2, but the conclusion of the battle is unknown. After SFA2,
Rolento attempts to start his own nation in Metro City and drives a tank
through the business district to start off his endeavor. Mayor Mike
Haggar is called to stop him.
In Street Fighter Alpha 3, Rolento is looking for powerful warriors to
join his army, in particular, Cody,
who he remembers from their previous battles. When he finds Cody in a prison
uniform and handcuffs, Rolento is disheartened. He wants the hero from back in
the day, not a loner convict, but Cody refuses to join anyway. Rolento manages
to steal weapons from Shadaloo for his army, and soon stumbles upon M.
Bison's psycho drive. He learns the Psycho Drive brainwashes people, and
decides against using it because he can't have a successful utopia if people
can't make their own decisions. Sodom tracks down Rolento after the
tournament. After hearing Rolento's ambitions, Sodom realizes that Rolento did
not lose sight of Mad Gear's ideals after all. The two decide to work together
once again to create a great Utopian nation.

Fighter Alpha 3, SFA3: Upper, Street Fighter
Alpha 3 Max, Capcom Vs. SNK
2, SNK Vs. Capcom: Card Fighters Clash,
Fighters Clash 2, Card
Fighters Clash DS, Street Fighter X Tekken,
Ultra Street Fighter 4, Street
Fighter Alpha: Anthology, Street
Fighter: Anniversary Collection, SF:30th
Anniversary Collection