adopted sister, Roll often aids Megaman (Rock) during his dungeon adventures
by making him weapons and transporting him around the city. Not much is
known about Roll, but her parents were diggers who mysteriously disappeared
on a dig of Forbidden Island. She is 14 years old (at the beginning of
the series) and has quite a bit of skill in mechanics. In the fighting game
universe, she originally appeared in Marvel VS Capcom as a secret

Page Updated:
Nov. 8th, 2024
Just when you thought
modern 2D fighting game characters hit their limit for "shortness", along comes Roll, one
of the tinniest (and potentially most annoying) characters to ever appear in a
fighting game. Her original appearance in MVC as a secret character was
as unexpected as it was interesting. She seemed out of place in a way, but made a
stupidly perfect partner for Mega Man. Her weird, yet catchy theme song also made her
first appearance very, very memorable.
Roll's (very different) Tatsunoko VS Capcom incarnation was also entertaining, but she is
most definitely more annoying in that game. I dunno, perhaps it's just something about
fighting tiny characters on screen that gets on my nerves... they slip out of
combos and get away with so much BS. However, her level 3 super in TVC is one
of the most entertaining supers in the game, and her remixed theme song is pretty epic too.
All in all, Roll has always been a pretty entertaining character.
Style / Moveset |
/ Charisma |
/ Appearance |
in series |
Score |
