Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom: Ultimate All Stars

REVIEW: Tatsunoko
Vs. Capcom: Ultimate All Stars, an upgrade to
Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom: Cross Generation
of Heroes, marks the official debut of the TVC series in North
America. Exclusive to the Nintendo Wii, this enhancement of the original game adds 5 brand new characters to the roster
along with 2 new stages. Also added were character
& gameplay tweaks, a brand new soundtrack, re-worked voice acting for a few
characters, and several fixed glitches
& infinites. Ultimate All Stars also features a new intro (surprisingly,
since the first one was great), but unfortunately, the new opening & the "R&B-ish"
remixed intro song pales in comparison
to the original's, in my opinion... should've left it Japanese.

Watch out for Doronjo's
Like the original version,
this continuation of Capcom's VS series packs all of the high flying, fast paced
action a fan of the VS series would come to expect. The streamlined movelists & stripped-down
scheme makes for a simpler, yet seemingly more balanced game. Instead of 6 specific punch & kick buttons, characters
only have 3 attack buttons. Any button can be used to perform any special move, but the move will
vary depending on the strength of the attack (Light, Medium, or Heavy).
priority moves can be performed while holding the d-pad in different directions (though I wish
certain characters had more of these alternate moves). The
combo system is also considerably more friendly & lenient than the "old school"
titles of the VS series... super combos seem to connect into combos more than not,
which makes for a more beginner-friendly game. Some veteran/hardcore
fighting game players will scoff at the simplicity, but Capcom
included several complex gameplay elements like Baroque &
Variable Aerial Rave, which allows for more complex & skillful combo possibilities.

Capcom dream teams and matches to be had.
All Stars showcases a brand new character selection screen & menu
screen. Gone are the charismatic "menu hosts" from the previous game
(Doronjo & her goons), but the flashy new menu screen more than makes up for
it! It's actually one of the best looking fighting game menu screens I've seen in a while, I might add.
Though Ultimate
All Stars packs a good amount of new content, there were some things taken
out from the original version. Due to licensing issues, Hakushon Daimao
was cut from this version. The character-exclusive mini-games (which used the Wii-mote motion controls) were also
removed... not a huge loss if you ask me, but still. :/ The animated ending
FMV's were
mysteriously taken out... but the good news is, all endings for Ultimate All Stars are completely
new, which is a plus for those of us who played through the first game. The bad
news is, the new endings are indeed classic 2D fighting game endings (a series
of still
pictures), but the
artwork (done by Udon comics) & character cameos are quality stuff for the most part.
Another subtle, but welcomed addition are fourth colors for Capcom
characters, and third & fourth colors for Tatsunoko characters! In the first
game, Capcom characters only had 2 alternate colors, while Tatsunoko characters
were stuck with 1... I'm glad they did something about that! :) The Gallery also made
it's return, showcasing all of the stuff you've unlocked from
the Shop, like character endings/artwork... unfortunately though, the BGM area
of the gallery (as seen in Cross Generation of Heroes) is nowhere to be found!
On that note, the specific character
theme songs were also removed... *sigh* I always thought it was badass for a character's theme music
to kick in as they jump into action... ohh well. The good news
is, the new techno/rock music (now stage specific) is decent and possibly suits the fast-paced/flashy
nature of the game better than the first game did. Even so, I really miss the character
themes from the original and I think they should've kept them in the game.

Damage measured in
The online mode isn't as
deep as it could/should be, but at least it's there. I never got around to experimenting
with playing online very much, because at the time my Wii constantly refused to
In closing.... Nitpicks? Besides the stuff I already mentioned, I really wish characters had more than 1 win pose. If
a final KO occurs by an assist or team attack, I
also would've liked to see the character that performs
the assist (or tag team super) stay on screen & strike a win pose with the lead character
(like in MVC2); but unfortunately they
jump off screen after scoring the winning hit.
The "shaky/breaking ground effect" that's used during certain super
moves also looks pretty lame (due to the poor texture quality), and takes
away from the action. I suppose they used that screen effect to nullify
slowdown, which probably would have occurred during those epic super moves if
they kept the same 3D backgrounds in place (due to the Wii's graphical
limitations). Lastly, even after the addition of
the 5 new characters, the roster still feels kinda lonely, especially on the
Capcom side. Frank West?
C'mon Capcom...
Page Updated: |
17th, 2024 |
Developer(s): |
Capcom |
Publisher(s): |
Capcom |
by: |
Shinkiro Posters / Character Art
Udon Endings
Platform(s): |
Nintendo Wii
Release Date(s): |
Jan. 26th, 2010
Characters: |
Alex, Morrigan,
Megaman, Zero,
Roll, Frank
West, Soki,
Saki Omokane,
Eagle Ken,
Jun, Condor Joe, Tekkaman,
Tekkaman Blade, Casshan,
Yatterman #1, Yatterman
#2, Doronjo,
Hurricane Polimar,
Ippatsuman, Gold Lightan,
Yami |
Featured Video:
Related Games: |
Vs. Capcom: Cross Generation of Heroes, Tatsunoko
Fight, X-Men Vs. Street Fighter, Marvel
Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter, Marvel Vs. Capcom,
Marvel Vs. Capcom 2, Marvel Vs. Capcom 3, Ultimate
Marvel Vs. Capcom 3, Capcom Vs. SNK, Capcom
Vs. SNK: Pro, CVS2 |
9.0 / 10
/ Theme
9.0 / 10
9.0 / 10
9.0 / 10
/ Sound Effects
8.0 / 10
8.5 / 10
Art Direction
9.0 / 10
8.5 / 10
Options / Extras
8.0 / 10
Intro / Presentation
8.5 / 10
Replayability / Fun
8.5 / 10
"Ouch" Factor
9.0 / 10
7.5 / 10
Words: |
As someone lucky enough to play the original Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom: Cross Generation of Heroes (for many hours), I'm mostly happy with the way Ultimate All Stars turned out. While this is the more "complete" game, I find myself missing certain aspects from the original
(like the BGMs). Also, I think Capcom could've done more with the roster in this sequel. For one, why aren't there many Capcom villains? This game is indeed short on villains.
Out of the new
characters added, my least favorite is Frank West... that guy's such a goof.
they wanted to do the "fighting with zombies" thing, Jill
Valentine (in her MVC2 incarnation) would have fit so much better. And where the heck is
Strider Hiryu?!? How perfect would he have fit into this game? Hiryu & Casshern teaming up? For f*ck sake Capcom... what a wasted opportunity. I'm also pretty disappointed with the new
intro, considering the beautifully animated intro and song from the original (another change I don't like). The original intro gave me chills (the good
kind) but the new opening song is just cheesy-sounding IMO.

All in all, it's about the gameplay of course... and TVC: UAS is the definitive version of the
game. If you didn't get a chance to play the original Tatsunoko VS Capcom, you're still in for a treat. While it's a fun and very playable game, the gameplay mechanics aren't as sharp/technical as they could be, which may
turn off some hardcore / long-term players. On the flipside, TVC may very well get some casual players interested in 2D fighting games again.
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