Thunder Hawk is the greatest
warrior of the proud Thunderfoot tribe which lives in Mexico near the Monte Albán
plains. When he was an infant, the Thunderfoot tribe were being forced off
their land by Shadaloo. Some of the tribe members resisted and fought against
Shadaloo, but many were killed. T. Hawk's father, Arroyo Hawk, was also
killed by M. Bison.
After learning about Shadaloo, T. Hawk vowed revenge on Bison for his actions
and to reclaim the land that was taken from his people. Many tribe members
also went missing, and T. Hawk took the responsibility of finding them.
Another warrior of the Thunderfoot tribe, Lily,
appears in Street Fighter 6. Many of Lily's special attacks and movements
are inspired from T. Hawk's.
During the evens of Super Street Fighter II, he entered the second
World Warrior tournament to battle to find Julia, reclaim his people's land
and win their freedom from his tyranny. He later learned that one of them, his
beloved Julia, became Juli,
one of Bison's brainwashed dolls. He didn't win the tournament, but was was
able to reclaim his land... however, it was desolate and empty. T. Hawk vowed
to make his land as great as it once was and bring the Thunderfoot people back
During the evens of Super Street Fighter IV, the Thunderfoot tribe and
their land was beginning to recover from Shadaloo's damage, although it hasn't
reached its former glory. Because of this, and the fact that he was unable to
save Juli, T. Hawk felt that he wasn't worthy to be the next chief of the
Thunderfoot tribe. He decided to enter S.I.N.'s next tournament to continue
his atonement. Along the way he encountered El
Fuerte, whom he had fought previously. The two have a match to settle
their old rivalry. Later, T. Hawk met Rose,
who told him where Julia is, but warned him that she is now only a shell of
her former self. Hawk later found Julia in a cabin in the wilderness -
however, her mental state is troubled and she does not appear to recognize him
or even notice his presence.

Street Fighter 2 Turbo, Super
Street Fighter 2 Turbo: Revival, Ultra
SF2, Street Fighter
Alpha 3, Street Fighter Alpha 3 Upper,
Fighter Alpha 3 Max,
Fighter Alpha: Anthology,
Fighter: Anniversary Collection, SF:30th
Anniversary Collection, Super
Street Fighter 4, Super
Street Fighter 4: 3D Edition, Super Street Fighter 4:
Edition, Ultra Street Fighter 4, SNK
Vs. Capcom: Card
Fighters Clash, SNK Vs. Capcom:
Card Fighters
Clash 2,
Card Fighters
Clash DS

Updated: Feb. 25th, 2023
Capcom has put fair
share of "stereotypes" in their fighting games, and T. Hawk is one of the most
prominent examples. Yes Capcom, we can
clearly see that T. Hawk is of Native American descent... maybe it's the feathers?
lol. Racial profiling aside, when I saw T. Hawk in 1993, as a kid, I thought he
was a cool design... I was excited to use him in Street Fighter after seeing his
official artwork in one of them gaming magazines. Long story short, T. Hawk was
an instant classic Street Fighter character. As awkward as his stance is, he's
still a menacing fighter and balanced out the SSF2 roster nicely... Zangief
needed someone to look up to anyway!
T. Hawk's moveset is simple and gimmicky, but even so... he's unique in the
fighting game universe. It was actually great to see the Hawk return in
Street Fighter IV in all of his glory. He was definitely
"cooler" in the 90's, but he deserved to make a comeback at least. My
personal favorite iteration of his is in the console versions of Street Fighter Alpha 3.
T. Hawk's 2D
sprite and animations are just perfect in SFA3. He actually looks badass,
and re-imagined moves in "Alpha style" 2D sprites just looks right. On
that note, he really should've appeared in more of the crossover games. T. Hawk
in MVC would've been interesting.
Style / Moveset |
/ Charisma |
/ Appearance |
in series |
Score |
