SNK Vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium

Bison and Geese Howard join forces to hold the "Battle Tournament of
Evil". Fighters from around the world enter the tournament for the chance to earn the
title of "The World's Mightiest" and a massive purse of prize money.
During this event, M. Bison and Geese intend on capturing contestants in
the tournament and enslaving them as the elite initiates of an unstoppable
force known as the "Immortal Military". When the fighters find out
about this plan, they strike back against M. Bison, Geese, and their evil

EPIC roster with 8
unlockable characters.
REVIEW: Releasing in 1999, SNK Vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium is the first-ever crossover fighting game between the two "gods" of the
90s arcade days — paving the way for the
eventual Capcom Vs. SNK series which launched in arcades shortly after. The Match of the Millennium
boasts a grand total of 26 characters from an impressive variety of SNK and Capcom IPs, including: Street Fighter,
Vampire Savior, The King of Fighters, and
Samurai Shodown. A few SNK character
sprites return from earlier NeoGeo Pocket Color titles, all retaining their lovable "chibi" style and form. Impressively, most SNK veterans are
slightly redrawn or retouched from earlier titles. Of course, all of the 2D sprites on Capcom's side are completely new
and created especially for this charming title, fitting into the game's gorgeous art style perfectly!
SNK Vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium also features an impressive
variety of modes and match-up options (especially innovative for a handheld fighting game in 1999),
including: Traditional 1-VS-1, "KOF style" 3-VS-3, and even... a very cool and solid 2-VS-2 Tag Team mode!
The first
ever SNK
Vs. Capcom crossover fighting game!
The Match of the Millennium's
16-bit charm, catchy art direction, and streamlined animation speaks for itself. The character sprites and backgrounds are incredibly sharp, clean, and look superb on the NGPC screen. MOTM is no doubt one of the best looking NEOGEO Pocket Color games to date! The colors are crisp, the characters are charismatic, and the
iconic special attacks & effects are simple yet satisfying. Most importantly, MOTM's gameplay is intuitive, easy to get into, and actually surprisingly deep and combo-friendly. Once you learn the basics, you'll be performing classic bread-and-butter combos with ease thanks to the NEOGEO Pocket's excellent, pleasingly "clicky" and responsive D-pad!
(One of my all-time favorite D-pads, for sure.)
Arcade / Story mode provides each character with a "short & sweet"
storyline. There's actually quite
a lot of dialogue to read through in a single playthrough, some of which is rather
hilarious (in a good way) even if some things seem mistranslated (in traditional SNK fashion). In fact, there's more dialogue and effort put into character interactions in this game than in most arcade fighting games at the time of its release. Story mode also features some enjoyable cutscenes
with plenty of cool 2D artwork to gaze at. In short, SNK did an awesome job with this game's presentation and packed in a lot of heart.
bonus mini-games! Sup Miss Kanzuki? <3
Also included are some bonus Mini-Games, adding even more charm and personality to the package. These bonus games include a Dance Dance Revolution style
game starring Felicia from Darkstalkers, a Ghost & Goblins mini game starring Sir Arthur, a Metal Slug shoot'em up with Fio & Marco,
and a Samurai Shodown bamboo-cutting mini game featuring Jubei Yagyu. Throughout the various modes, old school Capcom and SNK fans will enjoy many entertaining
character cameos and other Easter Eggs mixed into backgrounds, endings, super moves, and story mode cutscenes.
For presentation-value alone, SNK Vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium a must-have title for anyone who calls themselves a SNK or Capcom fan. SNK delivered some amazing fan service to this game, being the first to bring together fans of both companies in such a brilliant and innovative way. Due to the fact that the graphical
capabilities of NGPC are limited,
it seems like the artists behind the game really put in that "extra" effort to
make The Match of the Millennium more enjoyable and stand out.
Page Updated: |
28th, 2024
Developer(s): |
Capcom |
Publisher(s): |
Platform(s): |
Neo Geo Pocket Color, Nintendo Switch
By: |
Release Date(s): |
Nov. 30th, 1999
Dec. 22nd, 1999 NGPC
Feb. 17th, 2021 Nintendo Switch
Playable Characters: |
Kyo Kusanagi,
Terry Bogard,
Iori Yagami, Ryo
Mai Shiranui, Yuri
Athena Asamiya,
Leona Heidern, Geese
Akari Ichijo, Orochi
Iori, Ryu,
Ken Masters,
Chun-Li, Morrigan
Sakura Kasugano,
Dan Hibiki,
Guile, B.B.
Hood, Evil Ryu, M. Bison,
Akuma |
Support Characters: |
Kanzuki, Arthur,
Firebrand, Marco
Rossi, Fio Germi, Jubei
Sagat |
Featured Video:
Related Games: |
SNK Vs. Capcom: Card Fighters Clash,
Card Fighters Clash 2, Card
Fighters Clash DS, SNK Vs. Capcom: Chaos,
Capcom Vs. SNK, Capcom
Vs. SNK: Pro, Capcom Vs. SNK 2, King
of Fighters R-1,
King of Fighters R-2, Fatal
Fury: 1st Contact, SNK Gals Fighters, Last
Blade: Beyond The Destiny, Samurai
Shodown: Pocket, Samurai Shodown 2:
Guilty Gear X Advance,
Darkstalkers 2,
Darkstalkers 3,
Darkstalkers Chronicle: The Chaos Tower, Super Street Fighter 2: Turbo Revival,
Street Fighter Alpha 3: Upper,
SFA3: Max, Pocket
Bravery |
9.0 / 10
/ Theme
9.5 / 10
9.0 / 10
9.5 / 10
/ Sound Effects
9.5 / 10
9.5 / 10
Art Direction
10 / 10
7.5 / 10
Options / Extras
9.0 / 10
Intro / Presentation
9.5 / 10
Replayability / Fun
8.5 / 10
"Ouch" Factor
8.0 / 10
9.0 / 10
Words: |
Upon its arrival,
SNK Vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium
was easily one of the best, most-polished portable fighting games to date. Especially for a 1999 handheld game, it was very much ahead of its time. MOTM is an amazing little package. The streamlined gameplay is straight-forward, solid, fun, and uniquely complimented by the NEOGEO Pocket Color's responsive and enjoyably
"clicky" D-pad. MOTM was indeed one of the main reasons to own a NEOGEO Pocket Color (besides Card Fighters
Clash, of course). 
The impressive roster of 26 fighters stands on its own, but one of my favorite aspects of MOTM is how every character has his or
her own
original (yet remixed) background music! For a game that is literally "small"... MOTM packs more heart and polish than some other recent fighting game releases the "big boy" consoles. Visually, the stylish and charismatic character sprites & artwork also stand on their own, and are truly the star of the show. In my opinion,
this game has the best "chibi style" art I've ever seen. Everything just looks clean... and easily-likeable without being too over-the-top or obnoxious.
If for some reason you think this game looks "too kiddie"
for your tastes, you might be surprised how much it grows on you after playing it. SNK Vs. Capcom: MOTM has a better gameplay system than some arcade fighting games I can think of over the years. At the end of the day, SNK Vs. Capcom: The Match
of the Millennium was not only the humble beginning of the epic Capcom Vs SNK saga... but a truly unique and badass little fighting game in
its own right.
Webmaster | @Fighters_Gen