Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge

Pyron invades Earth to add to his collection of planets that he has devoured.
Enter the world's most fearsome monsters who, ironically, are the last defense
of mankind. Meanwhile, two Darkstalker hunters make their presence known and
join in the fray.
The stalkers are now the
REVIEW: Night Warriors: Darkstalkers Revenge
(Vampire Hunter: Darkstalkers Revenge in Japan or known simply as Darkstalkers 2) is the first sequel
to Capcom's Darkstalkers series. The new installment brings back the entire cast of the original, and adds 2 all new
characters: Donovan Baine & Hsien-Ko. Not only are the newcomers cool
designs visually, but in terms of story, the new characters are "hunting" the other Darkstalkers
(hence the Japanese title, Vampire Hunter). They also offer really cool
and innovative fighting styles, rounding out the Darkstalkers roster
The two bosses of the first game (Pyron
& Huitzil) are also selectable this time around, making for a total of 4 new playable characters.
Along with an improved roster comes an all new presentation that succeeds
the first game in almost every way. To sum it up, the amazing hand-drawn backgrounds,
awesome & memorable BGMs, and spooky sound effects really immerse you into
the Darkstalkers universe. On that note, Night Warriors definitely
offers something "unique" in the fighting game genre in more ways than
2" character selection screen.
The key enhancement to the gameplay in this
sequel is the ability for players to stock up their Special Gauge, allowing them to
store more than one special gauge and preserve them through the entire match.
There are two kinds of Super Moves in Night Warriors: "ES Specials"
which requires a portion of the Special Gauge, and "EX Specials"
which cost the entire stock of the Special Gauge to perform. Player can also choose
between a "Normal" gameplay style or one that offers Auto-Blocking.
was doing great things in the mid 90's.
Like in the original Darkstalkers,
the intuitive 6-button layout and familiar motions for special moves allow any
experienced 2D fighting game player to jump right in. The play styles of
returning Darkstalkers characters are a little more fleshed out this time
around, and overall feel more solid. Each character has something to offer and
unlike in some 2D fighting games, all of the characters are very different from
one another (no sprite clones!). 
= Art.
Two secret characters appear in Night Warriors... Shadow and Marionette. Capcom has yet to provide a back story
for these secret characters, which are really more a "mode of
play" than actual characters. Shadow appears to jump from body to body,
allowing you to play as the opponent that was just defeated, and Marionette will
fight as a clone of whoever your opponent is. She is seen being lowered into a
doll body of the opponent at the beginning of the match.
Page Updated: |
1st, 2024
Developer(s): |
Capcom |
Publisher(s): |
Capcom |
by: |
Edayan, Daigo Ikeno
Platform(s): |
Arcade, Sega
Release Date(s): |
1995 Arcade
1996 Saturn
Characters: |
Maximoff, Morrigan Aensland,
Donovan Baine,
Anita, Hsien-Ko,
Felicia, Jon
Talbain, Anakaris, Bishamon,
Victor, Lord
Pyron, Phobos
Featured Video:
Related Games: |
Darkstalkers, Vampire
Savior, Darkstalkers Chronicle: The
Chaos Tower, Darkstalkers:
Vampire Chronicle For Matching Service, Warzard, King
of Fighters '95, Samurai Shodown 3, Fatal Fury 3,
Real Bout Fatal Fury, Savage
Reign, World Heroes Perfect, Street
Fighter Alpha, Marvel Super Heroes, Mortal
Kombat 3, Killer Instinct 2, Capcom
VS SNK, Capcom Vs. SNK 2, Capcom
Fighting Evolution, SNK VS Capcom: Match
of the Millennium, SNK Vs. Capcom Chaos,
Marvel Vs. Capcom, Marvel Vs. Capcom
2, Marvel Vs. Capcom 3,
Golden Axe: The Duel, Capcom
Fighting Collection |
8.0 / 10
/ Theme
8.5 / 10
8.5 / 10
8.5 / 10
/ Sound Effects
9.0 / 10
8.0 / 10
Art Direction
9.5 / 10
7.0 / 10
Options / Extras
7.0 / 10
Intro / Presentation
7.5 / 10
Replayability / Fun
7.0 / 10
"Ouch" Factor
7.0 / 10
8.5 / 10
Review based on Arcade
Words: |
Only a year later, and the Darkstalkers series received its first
sequel. After the release of Night Warriors, the
series was gaining some ground and making a name for itself in a very
competitive genre. No doubt the amazing artwork
and innovative character designs were the driving force that made this title stand out.
While Night Warriors (or as I always called it, Darkstalkers 2)
was entertaining
& fun 2D fighter for a while, I think the overall gameplay experience was still lacking "something".
Of course there's still something to respect about the traditional-esk gameplay
system, but in 1995-1996, the fighting genre was really evolving. Blockbusters
hits like Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 and X-Men VS Street Fighter
were redefining the 2D genre, and many former 2D games were offering
groundbreaking new 3D visual experiences.
No doubt Darkstalkers had some tough competition at the time, but on the
flipside, Night Warriors definitely stood above some "other" 2D
fighting game efforts in 1995.
In retrospect, Darkstalkers Revenge definitely earned its place in the
genre regardless of its overall popularity. Two years after Night Warriors,
the sequel Darkstalkers 3 / Vampire
Savior took the series to another level.
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