and Hanagata were both top-ranking restaurants in China, but their approaches
were completely different. Huma's pride was in bringing joy to its customers
through cooking filled with love, while Hanagata emphasized creating the
most exquisite dishes using the high-quality ingredients. Even though they
opposed each other like oil and water, they were both restaurants of high
repute that every cook aspired to work for. Neither of these philosophies
made any sense to Jam. She believed that their policies were nothing but
hindrances to bringing delicious dishes to everyone. To prove that she
was right, she needed to start her own restaurant. As seed money, she seeks
out the reward for eliminating a dangerous Gear.
A master chef,
Jam's dream is to open up her own restaurant, but she lacks the means to do so.
She seems to have terrible luck in doing so and tends to struggle any time she
tries to gets it off the ground. During the events of GGX, Jam
heard rumors about mystical ingredients to be found at "The Devil's Living
Place," where Dizzy resides. When
she runs into Testament,
she claims to be looking for "ingredients," which he mistakes for
"atonement" (because the two words are homophones in the Japanese
language). After her battle with Testament, she goes on to fight Dizzy, who
thinks that she's trying to eat her (or simply kill her). In one ending, Jam is
able to get the ingredients she sought for, which were allegedly unknown to
mankind. In the other, the field is burned down during the battle. In both, she
defeats Dizzy, and probably leaves on friendly terms.
Before the
events of GGXX, Jam finally opened up her restaurant. Unfortunately, it
is burned down by a mysterious figure who dresses very similar to Ky Kiske (Robo-Ky),
whom she immediately pursues. During the events of GGXX, Jam's ability to
wield Ki becomes a very notable aspect about her. She also appears to be a bit
of a flirt, as she has hit on both Bridget
and Ky Kiske during this time.
Jam Kuradoberi's name
would be said in Japan as "Kuradoberi Jam", a reference to Swedish
pop/jazz group "Cloudberry Jam" who was popular in Japan at
one time. Another (but perhaps less likely) explanation is that she is named
the bands Pearl Jam and The Cranberries.
