Weighing in at
330 lbs and standing 7'5" tall, Sagat is referred to as "The King/God
of Muay Thai". Sagat won the title as a teenager, and became a national
hero in Thailand when he matured. He defended his title from a fighter named Gou
Hibiki (Dan's Father). Sagat
lost the use of his right eye in the fight, but Gou Hibiki his life.
Years later held the first World Warrior tournament to prove that he was the
strongest fighter in the world. He also trained Adon
during this time, a Muay Thai fighter who also entered the tournament. Only one
fighter was able to reach Sagat, a young martial artist named Ryu.
It was a close fight, but Ryu managed to defeat Sagat after he was consumed by
the Satsui no Hadou executed the Metsu Shoruyken, critically wounding Sagat and
leaving a huge scar across his chest. Sagat swore revenge on Ryu that day.
During the events of SFA2,
Sagat developed a new move to rival the one that scarred him; he called it the
Tiger Blow. Adon mocked Sagat for losing to Ryu and challenged him for the title
of God of Muay Thai. Sagat had not fully recovered from the fight with Ryu, and
lost to Adon. Consumed with rage, Sagat decided to joined the criminal
organization Shadaloo, after M.
Bison offered him resources to find Ryu and provide Sagat with a rematch.
Bison admired Sagat's power and hired him as his personal bodyguard, and as one
of the feared Four Heavenly Kings of Shadaloo.

After joining Shadaloo,
Sagat immediately set out to locate Ryu. When he found him, Ryu neglected to
fight him because Sagat had not fully recovered from their last bout. Sagat
would not back down, and defeated Ryu, but he couldn't help but feel that the
victory was hollow somehow, and decided that Ryu had let him win. Sagat
determined to train even harder and win cleanly the next time. He worked on
honing the Tiger Blow, which would later be perfected as the Tiger Uppercut.
Sagat later encountered Dan Hibiki, now an adult seeking revenge for his
father's death in the fight with Sagat ten years ago. Dan managed to defeat
Sagat somehow, which may be attributed to the fact that Sagat's mind was not
clear due to his previous battle with Ryu.
During SFA3, Sagat then realized that his scar was a result of the Satsui
no Hadou which possessed Ryu. Finally, he understood that true rivals should not
be blinded by rage and hatred, nor be seduced by it, and realized Bison's real

However, Bison presented
him with a brainwashed Ryu, and told Sagat he could have the rematch he always
wanted. Despite Sagat's disappointment with fighting a corrupted opponent, Sagat
still fought Ryu. To break Bison's mind control, he implored to Ryu that a true
warrior would not give in to such treachery. Ryu awakened from Bison's control
and, rejecting the Satsui no Hadou, Ryu defeated and destroyed Bison
temporarily. Sagat finally realized that rivalries must have their limits. He
tells Ryu that he was almost destroyed by the corruption. Sagat then tells Ryu
that he is not yet ready to take him on again. Ryu then leaves Sagat, promising
to return when he becomes a true master. Sagat realizes that he must defeat Ryu
not for revenge, but as his destiny.
The second World
Warrior tournament was announced, and Sagat saw an opportunity to face Ryu in a
fair rematch, but Ryu was knocked out of the competition. Sagat decided to drop
out of the tournament before his next match, and finished third in the
tournament. Sagat continued to train his body and mind in Thailand, hoping to
become the world's strongest fighter once again before he became too old to do
After the second World Warrior Tournament, Sagat lapses into a depression.
Attending one of Adon's matches in search of something to re-ignite his spirit,
he is mocked and challenged to a match by his former pupil. Sagat defeated Adon
with his new move, Tiger Destruction, and was cheered on by the fans.
Reinvigorated, he then enters S.I.N.'s new tournament in order to find the
"ultimate purpose of the fight".

Fighter 2, Street Fighter 2: Championship
Edition, Street Fighter 2 Turbo,
Street Fighter 2, Super Street Fighter
2 Turbo, Super Street Fighter
2 Revival, Super Street
Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix, Ultra
SF2, Street
Fighter: The Movie, Street Fighter EX
2, Street Fighter EX 3,
Fighter Alpha,
Street Fighter Alpha 2,
Fighter Alpha 3, SFA3: Upper, SFA3: Max, Street Fighter 4, Super
Street Fighter 4, Super SF4: 3D Edition, Super
Edition, Ultra Street Fighter 4, Street
Fighter V: Arcade Edition, SFV: Champion
Edition, SNK Vs. Capcom: Card
Fighters Clash,
Card Fighters
Clash 2, Card Fighters
Clash DS, Pocket Fighter,
Capcom Vs. SNK, Capcom
Vs. SNK: Pro, Capcom Vs. SNK 2, SNK
Vs. Capcom
Chaos, Street Fighter:
Anniversary Collection, SF:30th
Anniversary Collection, Street
Fighter Alpha: Anthology, Street Fighter X
Page Updated:
Dec. 15th, 2023
Sagat certainly wasn't
as cool in his original SF or SF2 appearance as he is these days. Back
in the day, Sagat was arguably more annoying than anything else... (Tiger! Tiger! Tiger! Tiger! ...Tiger!) lol. For competitive players of the game, he was a pretty easy character
to hate (or love to hate). More importantly, Sagat's development in the Street Fighter Alpha series and beyond did so much for his design. Sagat's upgraded "buff" look in the Alpha
series was badass and refreshed his design. Along with more muscles and better animation, Sagat also had a deeper, cooler voice in SFA
Then stupid Hollywood went and made
him an old, skinny "arms dealer" in Street Fighter: The Movie... but
we'll just forget that happened. lol. After Sagat's future appearances in many later games, Sagat
became the badass Muay Thai fighter that he was originally supposed to be. I
personally used him a lot in SFA2, SFA3 and CVS2. Then
everyone started using him in SF4... making me not want to use him
anymore. lol. Lastly, his SFV redesign is pretty great... but I still prefer his SFA proportions. The dude definitely cut back on his protein in his later years.
Style / Moveset |
/ Charisma |
/ Appearance |
in series |
Score |
